Saturday, October 25, 2014

On judging others


There was silence for some time as we started thinking about those and such related statements. I smiled. How mean were we when we made such statements. We were actually trying to negate a ‘good quality’ of that person by saying something negative about that person in the same sentence. And no one would even know that and yet the impact was made. We were damaging the ‘image’ of that person.

Rahul voiced my thoughts and she continued.

‘she may be successful but doesn’t keep her house clean…..’

‘he’s a good man but doesn’t earn much……..’

‘he may be having roaring business but look at his unruly kids……….’

‘what if they are famous, they are not happy…….’

Now what do these statements mean?

‘Again we are negating a person’s achievement, taste, character etc. but why are we doing it? The moment I judge, I am trying to pull him down from his position – but why? Asked Rahul.

‘Before knowing that what do you understand when we say –

‘thank goodness, I am not like her!’

‘for me my children are more important – not like her and hence I am not working’

‘her husband dances to her tune and so she can go out and work – but my husband hardly listens to me…….’

‘I am trying to pull the other down so that I can come out as a better person. But, why these games?’ clearly Rahul was as disturbed as any of us.

‘Yes, when we judge we are trying to bring ‘someone’s image’ down and ‘uplift our image’. That’s all! That is the purpose of judging others.


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