Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On comparison of religions, God...


And the most important don’t for that would be ‘don’t compare’.

When we compare cuisine, habits, traditions, culture, ideologies et all we end up doing is create a barrier between ‘you’ and ‘me’ and ‘him’ and ‘me. Next, we feed our ego’s with this separateness and end up proving we are better than others. This separateness is the cause of all friction, hatred wars as it is feeding ‘egos’. Anything that fuels ego can only break relationships and widen the gap between two individuals that will become seed for survival which is based on fear. How can we experience peace then? Never is it possible.

Cuisine, traditions, dress, life-style, ideologies are ways to experience life and express how we want to discover life and how we want to lead it. That’s all! But, long ago these factors ceased to fulfill this purpose. And they in turn have become basis of our differences, anger, fights, hatred and wars and divorces.

Do I have to explain ‘comparing Gods’? Christianity says ‘He is light and only one’. Islam quotes ‘Allah ho Akbar’ meaning there is only one God Allah and no one.

Sikhism states ‘sat nam satya hai’ He is Truth. Hinduism declares ‘He is only one Brahman who is Absolute’.
Water may be called ‘paani in hindi, water in english, l’eau in french, tanni in tamil. Like-wise, it has different names in different countries and language . does it mean it is different for every one. No, it is same for all. Language is an expression of water. It is not it’s identity. Name of God is to call him, address him – not to limit him. Not all can experience God so fine I’ll not go there. But, even f you read your scriptures completely and understand them, you’ll know few things for sure. Every religion states the common truths –
1. He is Light
2. He is Absolute
3. Everything is his doing
4. We are part of Him
5. Ultimately we need to merge in Him
6. Practise non-violence. Protect the meek for they are dear to ME!
7. Entire creation is my creation – then how can only few be His and not others and where is the need for conversion then?
8. He is Truth
9. World is ephemeral, transient and only He is Real.

When all religions speak the same Truth, how can what they point at be different. Don’t all roads lead to Rome? If all roads do lead to Rome, how can my Rome be different from Yours? Think!

You hurt your God the most when you hurt your fellow-being, harm them, belittle them in the name of God! It’s true!

She became silent. She had become emotional and words did ooze out pain as she was explaining these points. We felt ashamed and hung our heads down. 


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