Monday, October 13, 2014

On rituals and traditions - Dassera

 On Dassera


V Step – It has ‘Gajendra-Moksham’ which states that only when one can love – can he surrender completely because surrender’s basic requirement is trust and egolessness. And that can’t exist where ego flourishes. And where there is surenderance, there is ‘Bhakthi’ and where ‘Bhakthi’ is redemption is.

VI Step – The next step has ‘Dasaavataar’ representing our stages of evolution and phases of evolution.

The last or topmost 7th step represents the ‘Parabrahma’ or ‘ParaShakthi’ state of realizing one’s God-hood – which is rarest of rare and millions stop way below this level.

Thus, the 7 steps give us a complete picture of spiritual growth and the equalities required to rise above one’s lower nature. And this is possible only when one has grace of a ‘Guru’ – who is ever ready to help his ‘shishya’ – student see through his ignorance and outgrow it and walk towards enlightenement.

This is the meaning behind this Dassera festival and it’s ritual of arranging dolls for the same.

I hope all your doubts regarding this issue are clear.

Note : If you still have any more questions please raise them preferably immediately. Don’t wait for few months and then ask a question related to this topic…..

1 comment:

Vaibhav said...

Sorry Mam.. I already raised a Question on the previous blog article... You can keep that aside untill your current explanation is continuing if any.. and then clear our doubts or as per your wish...