Sunday, October 5, 2014

On comparison with self



Live this moment. When you work, work. When you are angry, be! Whatever and wherever you are be there, do that 100%. That’s all. Simple! There’s no plan B for this. Just remember that!

So, as you see, good or bad moments compared to past can only harm you of your present and future.

‘Then what harm can comparing with future do to us?’ It was Anwar who asked this question.

Many were glad he asked this question.  Their faces told that!

‘future. We compare now with imaginary good or bad future. If it’s good, then we live in a dream and miss out on reality as already explained to you. Atleast, I am happy, so what’s the problem? Listen carefully – ‘once kayal chand, a Brahmin was given a pot of milk by a sahukaar in whose house khayal chand had performed some pooja as dakshina. He was very happy. He hung it on the wall and lied down on the cot to complete his afternoon siesta (a short nap taken during the day time). As he couldn’t fall asleep immediately, he started to think as to what he would do with this pot of milk that he had. He decided to go around selling it in the evening. Then he would have Rs.’X’. with that, he would buy milk and he would sell that to make profit, with that money, he would buy lots of milk, make curd and ghee and start selling them. He would make so much money that he would be able to buy a cow and then he would multiply it. Very soon, he would’ve 100 cows and he would need a wife to manage his household. So, he would marry. But, she wouldn’t work as much as he and she would doze off before churning out the curd. He would get angry seeing this. He would kick her to teach her a lesson. And lo, he felt wet and cold. He opened his eyes. He had in his sleep kicked the pot of milk and it had fallen on him. He cried for all the losses he incurred because of tat’.

Day-dreaming and rocking chair can keep you busy but can take you no where!

By going into future, a.we rob the present of it’s existence b.we lose the time of action and future is shaped on what we have put in as effort now. If we sit and keep wishing to become thin and fit, we’ll not – unless we get up and work out now. So, that way, our future also becomes bleak when we waste time just by day-dreaming. So, in toto our life would be one wasted and not lived. And success and prosperity comes to the one who works for it – not to one who is just sitting and talking about it!

Now, if I am imagining a bad or painful future, then that moment even it is going to happen for sure – say death, then I am dying ‘every’ now that I play that future.  So, before the actual death I die several deaths.
My life, so seems like a living hell. I am not surprised.

Worry is the interest you pay on the due that does not yet exist. Sounds stupid? Then, pray tell me, why do it?


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