Wednesday, October 29, 2014

On judging


Everyone fell silent. It was a long journey – we understood that.

‘So, let’s do something to develop these ‘right’ qualities in us. Let’s sit in meditation’ her voice cut through our thoughts and held us in Sadhan before we went on a mental picnic of why’s and how’s……

We sat in meditation. Ultimately, all that matters is if you have put anything in practice or not. And that didn’t come as swift as the thought. It took baby steps only after conscious work for months. We had to listen to her repeatedly to actually let it hit us. That’s why she requested us to come often to her place or read her words. She knew only repetition can actually put a seed of thought that ‘I need to change’ in us. Once that thought was ingrained, again it took repetitions of word for that thought to be and not to die a natural death. Only when that thought became strong with repeated thoughts cementing it, did it gather enough energy to push us to take an action to put it in practice and that was eased when we did reiki, meditation or pranayamam. These techniques felicitated our intentions to become strong enough to get converted into a desire that had energy enough to make us put an effort in that direction. And when this happened many times, then the vehicle called ‘change of personality’ moved a bit and showed result. And when that happened, it would prove that we are on the right path and with renewed energy and enthusiasm should work more to move further in this direction.

That’s all! Life is a journey – keep on moving. Rest not till you reach the goal – of complete freedom from lower nature! All other achievements are only incentives. Don’t let them get into your head and stop. Keep the good works going. Keep moving. Keep working. Keep growing. That’s all there is to do…….

It was more than an hour before I opened my eyes. This revelation was so strong that it shook me. Meditations can give an insight – I have heard her say it so many times but today experienced it. I looked at her. She smiled at me. I knew she knew that I knew. Was it my understanding or her grace? I would never know that. She was smiling as I was looking at her.  She did her job. Now was time for us to do ours. We started getting up one after the other. It was already 5 pm. But still, we felt we hadn’t spent much time with her. Yes, it was so everytime we met her. Why we haven’t understood yet. But like many facts, it was so! She had gone to feed the birds and I knew she was with them. She’s left us already. But did she ever leave us alone? These questions stayed with me as I walked towards my house………..


1 comment:

Unknown said...

very strong words mam. Thanks for sharing.. its an eye opener for me.

I was thinking on all these lines for few days and i realised that if we stop Comparing and Judging people half of our thinking time is saved.
Its not an easy effort but yes it is possible.