Wednesday, July 6, 2022




I don't address the pain because of all my emotions and denials - then
it may come out as something lethal and life threatening at a later stage in life....for eg. as a tumour that's increased to a dangerous size, cancer, organ being totally damaged etc. But if I take that pain as an SOS call from my body and instead of being angry and fearing it, if I address it at the earliest, then it could be done away with few medicines it self and within a short span of time. But, if neglected it may lead to an operation this clear?

Like-wise, emotion pain also indicates that there is something 'wrong' in the way we are looking at the situation or person in our life. It could also point out the need to look within. Meditate on the cause of pain. Don't point fingers at 'outside reasons'. Instead, look within and find the cause of your pain. Trust me, just knowing where the problem is cures the situation many times - like a miracle....

Don't sit to analyse or say 'but, this doesn't work in my situation etc'. It can be applied to every situation and every emotional pain in our life. 

Try it! It is time tested and proved again and again.

Look at the pain and be relieved of it - once and for all!

Happy pain free life to you all!


# pain and suffering, relief from pain, on choices and pain, situation is real suffering is optional, cause of pain, awareness, condition and expectation and pain, beingness, mindfulness, 

also read suggested : 


Point to ponder :

The day we learn to embrace pain as a friend, we get one. And that friend is enough to see us through that 'very pain' that we were afraid of...

Pain is the pill for pain!

Questions answered :

What is the cause of pain?

Why do we suffer with pain?

How to come out of pain?

Is there a way to come out of pain completely - once and for all?


1 comment:

Mona said...

The answer is always within. Ma'am had shared "Look within" quote on this blog way back in 2009. It has taken me 12 years to understand and have just begun to implement it.
- Mona