Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Today’s miracle

Today’s miracle

Some things won't work out the way you wanted them to - Delightful ...

I was working in the kitchen. I put tea on stove and turned to wash my hand in the sink. When I turned around the lower cabinet door was opened and I if I had taken even one step it would’ve ended up being a major accident to me. How my step was so calculated, I don’t know. But that moment I felt ‘the presence’ that saved me. I know it to be reiki.

I chanted set number of malas (rosary) just as a way of thanks giving.

We look at events that happened or wishes fulfilled to describe a miracle!

Don't worry if things don't work out the way you want them to. You ...

But I find ‘miracles’ when ‘what could’ve happened is averted too!’. I have my gratitude for more of such incidents than for ones where I received what I had asked for.

Self-Help Quotes | HealthyPlace

In not letting something happen Reiki has given me a lot!

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

Woooo.thank u reiki,thank you guru Ji.

Mamm yesterday i was helping my MIL
to find her lost purse,v were searching in her almarha...i found a cover full of envelopes....it was 8 years back viaans cradel ceremony covers...sridhar has very clearly written on each envelope inside ,amt presented....and a small note book with names...may b by mistake he missed 2 ,in which i found 202 rs, really surprised.( woo moment) 8 yrs back...now.

Tyd mrng some people were asking money for andanmmm, for few mnts i was confused tat this peak time( covid time) then i stopped my self,pls dont judge Aarthi,i prayed it shld b blessed money and used correctly,and gave money found in envelope.
dil se dherena didhi ? He asked me.

2) v have white ration card mam,right now GOVT is giving free rice,1 kg dall,,i saw many people.in our colony getting and selling it to group of people...for little good money. they will resell to big shops ya hotel directly anta.
I requested my MIL EITHER to share with in flmyy my cositers,ya v will give off to daily labour ( karmekulu) but not to sell,right now������ angry on me,hopefully she will understand.
One of my cousin said okay,and from her ration rice v packed 2 kgs packs and gave off to needy.

Tyd v got yummy yummy mangoes(.rasaluu)30&40 really yummy& freshly plucked...they had a good crop this time aneee ( moms) neighbor gave us.v enjoyed.🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋