Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Me, My Guru – On Empty boat


Me, My Guru – On Empty boat

                                     51 Famous Zen Quotes About Life to Guide You on the Path to Peace -  Quotabulary

“But what is the answer that you received” I asked a bit surprised.

The Zen of Sadness: Why You Should Always Embrace Negative Emotions
“That, I like that monk need to address my junk inside. Otherwise every ‘empty boat’ that touches my boat can irritate me, anger me and question my faith! Empty boat represents every person and situation in my life. Whatever happens in life isn’t the problem. The anger was ‘always’ there in me. It just found its expression because of that ‘empty boat’. Problem is not the empty boat of my life. Problem is all that is within me! And so I am going to heal myself!” so saying she left the premises.

                                        460 Bruce Lee Quotes To Skyrocket Your Personal Growth

We sat there dumb stuck. Now coming to think of it each one of us had a list of issues that bothered us, irritated us, angered us or frightened us. For some it was problem with the boss and to other it was sister-in-law. One suffered because of ‘bad tenant’ while the other complained about insensitive spouse. Each had a reason to be bothered about and be angry with. We were thinking the reason to be the external situation. And all these years/time we were trying to fix that!

460 Bruce Lee Quotes To Skyrocket Your Personal Growth

Now it was clear! What happened or didn’t happen wasn’t the cause of our restlessness and desperation. The ‘expectation’ we had ‘within’ us was the basis of our inner turmoil and desperation. We lay ‘condition’ of how people are supposed to behave and how life has to set the situations. Our desire was just an excuse that pushed this anger we had within us.

Shunryu Suzuki Quotes (157 wallpapers) - Quotefancy
Because we were not looking within we didn’t’ know ourselves correctly and completely. Because we didn’t know ourselves, we didn’t understand origin of our desires and their nature. Since we didn’t know ourselves we didn’t get connected to self. Not being connected to self, how can we expect them to love us? As we didn’t love ourselves we sought validation and appreciation from others. And as we didn’t know self and love self, we couldn’t appreciate and validate when we received the same from others? 


# empty boat, heal self, outer world and inner world, being connected to self, emptiness, cause of pain and suffering, ignorance,

also read previous post on this topic :  

Questions addressed :
  • Why does 'life' not give me things the way I want and when I want?
  • What is life and how to enjoy it?
  • Why is it difficult to live life?

Points to note : 
  • Any desire - be it physical, psychological, material or emotional is at the end of the day only a thought! Think about that!
  • If every desire is based on just a 'thought' is our suffering and going berserk for that worth the dime?
  • We are so tuned to 'conditioning' everything in life and we have started conditioning 'life' and its expression too!
  • Let's  rephrase 'life' as a 'pleasant surprise gift' from the Universe that unfolds itself layer by layer every single day.
  • How life is to unfold is not what we can ever do or hope to have control over. But we can learn to experience the 'wonderment' that it is by shifting our perception of life...
  • Life is not a problem. It is an experience to be had. 
Life Tip :

When it was summer, I enjoyed making some 'Indian dried fryums' (vadiyalu) using the excess heat of sun to my advantage.

The heat caused lots of physical discomfort and ailments. But the advantage I took of heat was also immense.

Now that it is raining, I am listening to songs sitting in the balcony and writing blog for you people.........

every season comes with its benefits and it is with life and desires too........

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