Wednesday, May 3, 2017

On knowing self - Me, My Guru

On knowing self - Me, My Guru


We were silent for a while. Shreya seemed to be going through our Guru’s explanation mentally. Few minutes later she said “Actually Guru my pain is not because of these reasons. I’ve healed these many times and now these reasons don’t seem to effect me much. What confuses me and irritates me is the fact that I know I am not selfish and yet seem to be affected by those labels. I am also confused if what I think about myself is different from what I actually am. Maybe, I am not able to see my ‘real nature’ myself! How do I work on that?” she asked.

I felt so relieved when I heard those words. I had this issue since long but wasn’t able to word it right. She was almost there. I wouldn’t say 100% but mostly there. Now I waited for the answer.

“Stop defending yourself and stop explaining yourself. We defend ‘ferociously’ people whom we love and ourselves. Stop doing that. Suppose someone says “your children fight a lot” don’t jump to explain how sweet your kids are, how they love each other etc. That moment they are fighting, let it be. Don’t work ‘hard’ to establish ‘their image’. It’s a very painful process. The same applies to self too. If someone says “God, you look fat” don’t explain your diet chart, workout schedule etc to them. Don’t ‘justify’ how you look or what you are. You consider yourself thin in relation to last month but they must have seen you after 10 years so let it be. Everything is relative in this world. So relax, smile and move on. Don’t explain or justify yourself or your actions.

That doesn’t mean you stop explaining why you went out and why you came late or spent so much to a family member. Don’t mix up issues. Don’t use my ‘correct rules’ in wrong places to get away with your wrong acts and intentions” her voice had authority as she concluded.

This was always the case. Many of us used her ‘right tip’ in wrong places and then quoted her while doing that. She really got angry at times.

Then she went to explain the same giving various examples and situations, but I didn’t need to listen to any of it. I got the gist of it all “Stop defending and explaining yourself” simple! As I understood when I later discussed with others was not only was this to be done externally but also internally. Yes, in the ‘inner chatter’ that we had too, we should stop ‘justifying ourselves’. This actually brought down the quantity of clutter talk. Such simple technique and yet such powerful results!

I was happy and so did others seem to be! I didn’t need much by way of explanation this time. If others who applied vouched by this technique, then all I had to do was apply it and see.

It wasn’t something that I could do on my own. I needed situations and people to apply it. Now I looked forward to face such situations so that I could apply it and see the results. It would take atleast 3-4 months for me to notice some change. I was ready to wait. I was excited to apply too!

With meditations and healing myself all these years I have come to know and understand others well..but it was myself that I was falling short of understanding or knowing completely...I didn't know where and how to start and go about it...."Stop labelling and defending yourself and stop justifying yourself" made it seem so simple. I could already see it's effect on myself and my state of being. The rest fell in place automatically. Though the technique was simple its' application would take a good toll on my patience and I knew it with experience. It would take time but where was the hurry as long as I knew where I was heading and how to go about it.....

Rest of the session was just a haze for me. I received what I needed. I felt rich and left her place feeling so............

Sometimes I received solutions which didn't give me immediate proof of their effect but over the years I had developed that trust in her and her techniques that I knew I received what I needed....I had applied her various and seen results and found them effective - always....and knew somewhere deep down that this too would show results....I still couldn't see and understand how this would solve my issue or address my state of being but it no longer mattered. I was ready enough to go with the technique and learn along the way...a smile played on my lips and I felt lightness in my steps.....


1 comment:

Mona said...

There have been a few instances in my life where the people I trusted and loved had not just labelled me, but also humiliated me publicly and alienation me from a lot of my friends.

I always felt that, if they don't understand you and can start hating you because of rumors or false allegations, it just isn't worth pursuing their friendship. And so, every time, I have silently bid goodbye to such friends without even trying to explain myself. I obviously forgave everyone. But I dont forget and I dont entertain such friends again.

My mother always used to feel bad since she saw me suffering silently without saying a word in retaliation. Now, when I look back, I feel I should have told them something. Tried to explain or tell them how incorrect their judgement was or how much I've been hurt. Saying nothing, actually might have made them feel that all the allegations were true. Also, may be they would have understood my point of view with a simple explanation and I wouldn't have lost a friend.