Saturday, May 6, 2017

on knowing self - me , my Guru

On knowing self - Me, My Guru 


'‘Let go’ – This should be key word while I suffer. Period! No arguments, no ifs and no but’s!”

I felt the pain in my hand and realized I was still holding the empty tea cup. I put it down. The pain brought me to ‘NOW’! If an empty cup can give me ‘that pain’ how much more should carrying all those hurts, pain etc should be giving me?

Seven years back I had understood the importance of ‘let go’ and yet I was where I was. What is the benefit of understanding if I didn’t apply it in my life?

I hadn’t changed in all these years and ‘NO’ it isn’t good to remain so! Change is essential and symbol of life and growth. If I
had changed for better, then the luggage I was carrying of pain wouldn’t be there. Only if I ‘let go’ can I actually ‘move on’. I closed my eyes and took deep breath. Just couple of days ago she had said “Don’t justify, defend or explain your actions’. Then I didn’t get it. I was excited about applying little realizing its implication. Now I get it. She meant ‘Let go’’. When words and actions of our ‘so called’ near and dear ones hurt us, ‘let go’ off their words. No point holding on to their words which only drags us more deep into the pit of ‘hurt, pain and suffering’ and yes that was the death of our happiness, peace, sense of self-worth in short ourselves. What is it worthy of? However real and painful were the words and acts, to save self I had to ‘let go’ like that ‘grail’.

With eyes closed I went through the scene mentally. Our Guru had often said “Depending on our intent and desire we received what we were looking for from every nook and corner”.  Her one more famous quote was ‘You are what you read’. Today I saw that. How many of us connected films with spirituality? Certainly not me! And ‘she’ has taught me so beautifully through that English film.


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