Friday, December 30, 2016

He and She!

He and her

“I stopped explaining long back knowing no one was listening! And then I didn’t know when I coiled into myself completely” she confessed.

“She’s far away from my every expectation. She’s failed me. My hopes were dashed long back. Now I have nothing to look forward to in this relationship” he cried.

“He’s burned every bridge and now complains that I don’t visit him” she said wryly.

Ego had an accomplice in anger and it didn’t let communication build a bridge between them. They feel apart. But the story of their lives was not meant to be so. It was written with a happy note and a happy beginning. They just didn’t know how to nurture their hopes right. It died a natural death and with it, it took away their relationship.

She just had to give in a little of what has bad for her and he what was holding him back – then, then it would have been a really beautiful story worth reminiscing with their grand kids. What could’ve been wasn’t so now!

One more story ended abruptly. One more couple couldn’t be together. One more sad end to a happy and hopeful beginning!

Pity time can’t be bent backwards to rewrite its chapters differently so they could see the end the way they had envisaged!

But never mind – one more girl met a boy and a new story began. This story surely would go right. Right? Glad this would go on till a story is written well and beautifully real!

1 comment:

Swati said...

Currently I am in such situation.
Doing relationship healing so that things fall in place.
By healing myself I have become Confident that something good is there in store. This phase shall pass too.
By healing I feel I am stable, emotional unrest is not there.