Friday, April 30, 2021

Panacea for all ills!



Panacea for all ills!

When I am low, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When there is relationship problem in life, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When there is emotional turmoil, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When there is problem with people in life – both personal and professional, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When there is financial crisis, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I feel lost, feel I am at dead end, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am happy, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am healthy, I am grateful, I sit to heal and I go to sadhan.

When I am provided, I am grateful, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When someone praises me appreciates me, I am grateful and hence sit to do sadhan.

When someone gets healed, their attitudes get healed, I am grateful and so sit in sadhan.

When others receive their heart’s desire, I am grateful and so sit in sadhan.

Just sit in sadhan.

Good times and bad times will seem same. No two decisions and things to do. No multiple things to choose from. Just be in sadhan – in good times and bad times and HE will be on your side – evermore!


# panacea for ills, problem solving, cure for problems, where to look up to in times of need, pain and suffering, 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Panacea for all ills!


Panacea for all ills!

IF and WHEN I fear, I sit to heal. I go to sadhan.

If and When I face difficulties in life, I sit to heal. I go to sadhan.

If and when I fall sick, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

If and when my family falls sick, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

If and when my family faces any problem, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am sad, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am unhappy, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am depressed, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am confused, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am agitated, restless, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan.

When I am angry, irritated, frustrated, full of hatred and vengeance, I sit to heal, I go to sadhan. 


# panacea for ills, problem solving, cure for problems, where to look up to in times of need, pain and suffering, 

also read suggested : 

(Note : Those of you who read the previous posts suggested or any other post read, give the benefit of any understanding that you had from the same for others who don't. This way the others who don't have time or interest to read will still benefit in some small way from the link suggested or other posts that you read. 

Everyone is reading post daily and so must have read the previous posts too - not once but more than once. Yet i ask you to do this and read the previous posts. 

Reason - common statement i receive is "but, i don't remember that maam". Memory is not your forte. Trust me on that. You remember ONLY WHAT you want to remember, not ALL THAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER AND UNDERSTAND. So when it is bombarded at you 100th time you may get it. I am just doing that duty. Still you can choose to ignore it 100th time too.....)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Me, My Guru – Soul Identification – It’s need



Me, My Guru – Soul Identification – It’s need

“But that means I have to become a sanyasi and go and live in a forest” replied Vaishnav dejected “I want to enjoy materials of this world still” he grumbled.

“Lord Krishna was in the midst of material abundance. And so was King Janaka. And yet they identified themselves with the soul and not with this body. And so, inspite of being in this world, they remained ‘not of this world’. And hence Laws of Karma didn’t bind them. Detachment is for the mind and senses. You can still be in the world. Just learn to remain detached as you go about in this world!” our Guru answered.

“This seems easy. Teach me how” replied Vaishnav eagerly.

We all were equally excited and ready to learn this trick.

And our class moved in that direction today……


# soul, soul identification, our real self, karma, freedom from karma, bondage, freedom, destiny, laws of karma, ego, identification of self, 

also read suggested : 

(If you have any other related previous post that connects with this topic feel feel to give the link........)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Me, My Guru – Soul Identification – It’s need


Me, My Guru – Soul Identification – It’s need

“Guruji, I am afraid of facing my Karma. Tell me to avoid it” asked Vaishnav.

“If there was one, wouldn’t everyone do as he pleased and then simply follow the “prescribed path that would guarantee avoiding karma” and get away from it?” replied our Guru with a smile.

Looking at the dejected look, she continued with love “But, I can show you way to go beyond karma once and for all!”

With excitement in eyes Vaishnav asked “Pray tell me what it is and how to go about it!”

“Know this by listening with trust and respect. As long as you identify with this body, mind, intellect, you are bound by the ‘Laws of karma’. But the day you identify with your soul, you become free of your karma” replied our Guru.

“But what has identification got to do with this?” I asked amused.

“When you sit in aeroplane, you are bound by gravitational force. But when you are in rocket, the same gravitational force doesn’t have its effect on you. The difference is not in gravitational force or you. Both remain the same. You and the plane operate the regular way. But the identification with the vehicle that you are in makes all the difference. As long as you identify with this body, mind and soul, Laws of Karma become operational!” explained our Guru. 


# soul, soul identification, our real self, karma, freedom from karma, bondage, freedom, destiny, laws of karma, ego, identification of self, 

also read suggested related to this topic : 

(If you have any other related previous post that connects with this topic feel feel to give the link........)

Monday, April 26, 2021

Destiny - we make or break it!


Destiny - we make or break it!

We can open our mouth to complain or be grateful. The organ that does both these jobs is same.

Complain generates ‘karma’ that is binding on us. It creates pain and suffering. And we end up meeting it as a ‘situation’ in our life again and again…..

Being grateful heals our ‘karma’ – our ‘bondage’. It frees us. It generates energy of contentment, happiness and fullness. It says we are ‘great’ and ‘full’. That is the energy that is generated later as our ‘situation’ in our life. I guess, we now know how some people get ‘more lucky’ than us most of the time!!!

What do you want to open your mouth for?

To create energy that would bring pain and suffering in your life or create energy of happiness, greatness and fullness.

Choice is ours to make! And that choice is our ‘freewill’. And that ‘freewill’ decides our ‘destiny’. And once that ‘destiny’ is written by us we are to face it however much we say we don’t want to face it!

Think about it!

# destiny, choices and effect, fate, freewill, grateful, we receive what we give, 

also read : 

So what are you grateful for today?

So what is your complaint for today?

What will you do with your complaint now?

How do you decide to address what you are grateful for? 

In the lighter vein : Listen to song Que sera sera by Doris dey....on fate....

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Quarantine - Tips


further to 

Quarantine - Tips

On fear : Though I have already given tips on dealing with 'fear' during Pandemic, there seems to be more need seeking few other tips here goes.... 

The moment you realize you are experiencing 'fear' - 

1.simply sit and breathe deeply.

2.Draw 3rd symbol of II dg - also called as 'Intention symbol' and cancel the thought that generated 'fear'

(Please Note : Don't say name of the symbol in the name of cross checking........)

3.Send reiki negating that 'negative thought' immediately. Say for example you get a thought 'I am going to die' then immediately send reiki with an intention 'I am leading a healthy happy life till I am 100 years old'  or something like that....

This is just an example. Use your commonsense to form a sentence that negates your negative thought and produces opposite effect of that. DON'T WRITE TO ME ALL YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND ASK ME TO WRITE THEIR RIGHT COUNTERPARTS!!!

4.Don't analyse your 'fear'. Don't justify it with facts and figures. Don't identify with it. Just DISOWN IT. Get to do Reiki / chant MM immediately or as soon as you become aware of your thoughts!

5.Parayanam  or reading of scriptures was suggested in previous post. Many of you may do that mechanically. Instead read 3 posts from our blog daily. Just read one post in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night. You can just read the suggested links too in that way. That will help you to keep you away from fear and suffering related to that......

Also read suggested : 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Further to little things to do during quarantine



Further to little things to do during quarantine

Pranayamam : Many have various excuses to not do pranayamam. It is proven fact that it is most powerful way to beat any 'air borne' disease - powerful and effective than the most modern medicines. And yet....

do the various kinds of pranayamam daily at least for 1/2 an hr


b.anulom vilom



e. sheetali

f. deep breathing 

(already taught 100 times in class. Convenient for all to get away with ' yes maam, but forgot - can you repeat or explain? Answer is check with internet....)

(P.S : Every excuse that a person makes reflects the flaw in his character and also where it is! So use your excuse, look into it and know where your problem area is and get healed)

For those who have excuses to not do :

Buy a balloon packet of 100 birthday balloons and make them into 4 parts.

Give each part to one member of the family.

Let each member blow his set of 25 balloons. Time it. collect your balloon and keep it in your own slot. 


Do it at least twice a day. 

# putting quarantine to good use, how best to use covid, breakdown situations, life in all its colours, 

also read : 

The mantra chanting yagna starts today and ends on 31st May 2021. Write down your goal no. of malas and action plan to work it out.

Appreciate people who are chanting 'as a form of gratitude'. 

People always get back with 'I did chanting and yet my XY desire didn't get fulfilled....' - in short come back with complain.....

nice to see people who are grateful instead of complaining and cribbing in life...

any one who learns to 'SEE' right finds every reason to be grateful in life and for life.........That is all that is to learn....all other things follow suit....

P.S. : I have already told it in class and through various ways that I am not going to communicate through any mode of 'communication' for min. of 3-4 months and yet.........

which part of this statement is difficult to understand? 

Hopefully - i repeat hopefully i MAY (ONLY May not for sure!!) start communicating from say somewhere after August......but again this is tentative only......till then only blog posts will be written by me....

On healing others!


On healing others!

There is borewell drilling going on in the neighbour's house since 2-3 days. Headache is severe for me! I was and am doing everything to beat the headache. Someone who called couldn't hear me talk and asked me to talk louder. I said I couldn't as the sound of the drilling was deafening and it was making it difficult for others to hear my voice. The other person simply said "Oh! So sad you have to deal with it till they hit water. God knows how long it will be?!"

That did it!!! 

It was then I realized that I was seeing this situation as one giving me pain and discomfort. That gave rise to anger, frustration, all questions of why it is happening to me etc etc, irritation and of course headache. No sleep in the night too! But, but if ONLY I had seen it as an opportunity to heal I would have healed for 'let them strike water at the earliest' and they would have struck water earlier and I would be saved from all this non-sense. 

When ever there is a situation that is uncomfortable, disgusting, not to our expectations and conditions etc we go on the blame game. We find reasons outside ourselves to find the cause. We ask useless, baseless and leading to no where questions like 'why did Reiki let it happen?' etc........

Instead if only we healed the situation, we would be out of our agony earlier than later. 

The common intelligent question people ask is "But why should I end up healing all and sundry? And I don't have time for the same? Why can't they just be right?"

The answer is simple "Because you are effected in this situation and you know how to heal. If you don't want to heal, good - then learn not to suffer inspite of the situation. And if you say, I don't want to learn that too - good for you too - be who you are and enjoy the pain and suffering. But remember, there is no answer for all of your questions and no solution to any of your problems!!!"

If you understand this you'll also understand 'No man is an Island'. We are connected to one another whether we like it or not and hence only when we heal what is painful for us can we as a group get healed.........

# on healing, on healing others,  no man is an island, 

also read suggested : 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Further to little things to do during quarantine


Further to little things to do during quarantine

1. Do re-birth with "fear " too as many times as you can. Fear is the common emotion we experience esp. when being bombarded with all the negative info. we receive through various social media sites......

as far as possible don't read these does it matter as to how many people got infected and died?

Are we checking out daily the death toll of accident cases or drunken driving?

Do we tally diabetic and obesity related deaths daily?

Check once. You'll be surprised how many they are daily? And they don't go away ever - that means they are here for ever - and yet we accept them and their deaths as natural. We don't work on our eating and living styles that cause us these diseases or any such diseases. Then 'fear' doesn't visit us. 

Where is the difference? ACCEPTANCE. Think about it. 

Use every technique taught to you in every class/degree/ session to heal that fear of death. We all carry that in our DNA. Time we healed it. Good let's use COVID to our advantage. Let's use it as a mirror to reflect where our fear is. Let's address it as and when it pops its head. Let's become more accepting of this fact of 'life'. As long as life is, death is. Sooner we see it, accept it more we will have energy, time and sense to celebrate life. We will value life more and be more respectful of it.....

Japam : Let's chant "Mrutunjaya mantra" say 25000 times in coming days. Shall we decide on completing it by 31st May 2021 or do you want it to be some other day? Don't count no. of malas you do daily and then say 'maam i could do only X no. of times..." 

Instead count backwards i.e., if we want to complet 25000 times say in 25 days, then we need do 25000/100= 250 malas. And then 250/25 (days) = 10 malas per day. Then we simply do 10 malas per day min. some days we are able to do more than 10. let's do it and keep adding it. most of us will notice that we are doing it in lesser no. of days than we started it. Greater the no. of malas that we decide to do and lesser the no. of days to do, greater is the sense of achievement in us. what say? 

If for some reason, some one doesn't or can't chant this mantra they can pick up 'Om Namaha Sivaya' but that would be 1,00,000 (one lakh) times that means 1000 malas. Take your pick and make a vow. Don't take it to show off. Take it to complete it. So many of you have already done 250 malas of MM earlier. You could do it easily then. You can do it even now. 

Sadhan : Fix 4 at least 1/2 hr sadhan time 4 times of the day like we did it during last year. Just sit during that time in sadhan. Have a list of sadhan to do at various points of time. Just maintain it reg. and lo! both your sadhan is complete and your state of mind - cheerful and healthy during these tough times. 

Others can share if you find anything worth sharing....


On comment : regarding subconscious mind - 1. Your questions is very vague. So let the question be more specific.
2. What do you understand by mind in the first place and what does subconscious mind mean to you?

3. What is the purpose of this question? What is the basis of this question?

(All the above questions are addressed to all of you........every one is welcome to participate so i know where to start and how to go about that .......this topic is addressed completely in Aura cleansing class though........)

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

on Tips to address covid - AGAIN!!!


on Tips to address covid - AGAIN!!!

Thanks to so many reasons we see more number of people in our circle inspite of getting vaccinated too in many cases, being infected.

What do we do?

Do we seek pity from someone? "


"Are you seeking solution for the issue at hand?"

The second wave is spreading fast and many more than before are being effected. Don't panic. Do the following to avoid it with humanly possible steps that can be taken. Next if one is infected then address it with the required steps for that too........

Prevention is better than cure. 

Follow the golden rules - 1. Wear mask even when visited by near and dear ones. 

Excuse given - "but they are our people maam"

Ans : "Try saying that to the virus!"

Mask SHOULD  cover the nose. It being anywhere is not taken as worn by the don't complain later saying 'but i wore mask maam....'

2. Avoid going to temples, shops, hotels and other public places.

Any explanation you give to go to these places reflects clearly on your poor sense of judgement. And you ALONE  will have to bear the consequences of this judgement.

"But going to temple should protect us no maam..." - NO! No God came down to you to promise you so! If you are infected then enjoy dealing with it on your own. Don't expect even sympathies from me.

We can live without shopping (especially sarees, jewellery, earrings etc...) till this covid passes. Shopping should mean ONLY fruits, vegetables and grocery - nothing more. 

Heal that boredom of yours if you are going crazy because you are not able to go to hotel/shopping /movies etc....

Already had given tips on how to and what to do during this time. Just am giving you the link so that you can go back to old healing techniques...... 

I think almost all points are covered there. If anything is left out and you remember, share with all.

If I get it later, will share it with you all!

Till then, keep healing, healing and healing. There is almost nothing more we can do in present situation. Use it right and if we get past this time in this present body of ours, we'll have benefitted immensely - that is for sure! 

Rama Navami


Rama Navami

For next time on wards, read this post on Ugadi and use it to chart out Rama Navami - the 9 day celebration of Rama's birth starting from Ugadi to the ninth day which is celebrated as Rama Navami.....

Those who can chant 108 times Hanuman Chalisa. You need not sit continuously for that. You can chant for say 15mts (5 times) and then go to work, then take 1/2 an hr break, chant then continue with your daily chores etc.....Just complete 108 times (even if spread through out the day!!)

Those who can't can select the number of times they are comfortable to do the same the number which is not easy for you to perform. Greater the number, greater is the sense of achievement at the end of the day. Even if you are not able to complete you still would have done more than what you thought you are capable of doing. Feel good about that! Know you are capable of much more than what you think you are capable of!

Those who don't know hanuman chalisa, chant either "Sree rama ramethi...." at least 10 malas......

those who can't do that too, chant "Rama, Rama, Rama.." as many malas as you can.......

easy doers will do one mala and think they have done a lot.....

smart ones will take up 3 malas......

one who do japa reg. will take up 10malas effortlessly......

the one who want to challenge themselves will take up 24 malas......

24 malas - one mala per hour of the day...this way you can have your own no. representing something for you.......

do 2-3 points before/after doing set number of malas each time....that way your hands on too would be over along with the no. of malas..........

also suggested read : 

there are many more posts apart from these too on feel to go through them in leisure on a later day and come back with your understanding, feedback etc.

Your questions have been answered in these posts and yet.........the same questions are asked. Either you are not reading right or i am not writing right.......