Sunday, April 11, 2021

On bringing pain from future.........


On bringing pain from future.........

Further to .....

Read the article 'Just do that!' again to see and understand this continuation........

Some of you have given wonderful feedbacks. They did reveal something about us. 

a.We love postponing our 'even' little jobs/daily routine works as much as possible.

b.We think it is too small to be bothered about. We don't give it a thought. We don't sit in meditation and try to find out the cause of it.

c. Result is - we end up thinking 'our irritation and anger' is because of some other member of the family who is not doing 'the work' which we are so regularly postponing doing.

d.We end up being angry with him. We end up fighting with them. We end up messing up our relationships and atmosphere of our house.

e. All this in the name of 'wanting the house to be clean'. 

f. But if we only see the article - you'll see clearly that it took few minutes to complete the job that was 'supposed to be huge and boring' to me. That means we 'imagine' differently from the fact. What we assume is not true. We 'think bigger than real' ALWAYS! 

g. In article I had written, when I put my mind to rest and simply started doing the job, it took hardly 15mts and lo! I was happy too. 

We many times postpone doing jobs ASSUMING or THINKING  them to be hard/boring/ not to my like/etc etc.......but if and when we sit to work on them, it ends up being very simple and effortless......

think about it........

apply it to daily routine jobs....

and also can't we not apply to every situation in our life. We imagine our future to be something bad, ugly, frightful and what not. But it ends up being just fine - every time and yet....we do the same thing again and again......why?

Don't bring imaginary future pain into present. In the past you had wonderful healing experiences. Go through them. Collect your trust from them. Strengthen your trust from them. Now use that strength to face your present situation. Heal it, address it and have patience - do what is required and wait........let things fall in place as time unfolds......

all things will fall in place the right way at right time........

trust your trust.......

Do you have any previous post to support this thought?

do you have any experiences and understanding to go with this?


Kshitija said...

Thank you for these posts
Started doing the sadhan in little doses .
Recounting my previous experiences of healing .

Kshitija said...

Actually I was feeling restless these days during certain Times of the day then I sat and realised it was the pain from the future.
So came back to this post and started doing my sadhan little by little
Thank u reiki thank you guruji

Kshitija said...

This post has motivated me to start healing my self and lo
I am very happy to say that
I have started using various techniques of reiki and the fear of future started slowly moving away.
I have also noticed that when ever I am feeling nervous, tensed I started drawing the symbol and healing the person or situation what ever .
This is giving me lot of strength
Thank you reiki and thank you Guruji
Also I started checking my previous healing techniques notes which I wrote in the class
Previously some of them would not be easily understood by though I wrote it my self but now when I read it I feel that the speaker is present before me and talking to me and comforting me
Also I have noticed that all that was need for the current scenario was taught long back may be 5 years back and my understanding of it is better now what a game of mind

Supriya said...

I agree with Kshitija. All that we need was already covered by maam during our class. We just need to refer to our notes from time to time.

If we follow those simple yet effective techniques regularly we can find peace sooner.