Friday, April 23, 2021

Further to little things to do during quarantine



Further to little things to do during quarantine

Pranayamam : Many have various excuses to not do pranayamam. It is proven fact that it is most powerful way to beat any 'air borne' disease - powerful and effective than the most modern medicines. And yet....

do the various kinds of pranayamam daily at least for 1/2 an hr


b.anulom vilom



e. sheetali

f. deep breathing 

(already taught 100 times in class. Convenient for all to get away with ' yes maam, but forgot - can you repeat or explain? Answer is check with internet....)

(P.S : Every excuse that a person makes reflects the flaw in his character and also where it is! So use your excuse, look into it and know where your problem area is and get healed)

For those who have excuses to not do :

Buy a balloon packet of 100 birthday balloons and make them into 4 parts.

Give each part to one member of the family.

Let each member blow his set of 25 balloons. Time it. collect your balloon and keep it in your own slot. 


Do it at least twice a day. 

# putting quarantine to good use, how best to use covid, breakdown situations, life in all its colours, 

also read : 

The mantra chanting yagna starts today and ends on 31st May 2021. Write down your goal no. of malas and action plan to work it out.

Appreciate people who are chanting 'as a form of gratitude'. 

People always get back with 'I did chanting and yet my XY desire didn't get fulfilled....' - in short come back with complain.....

nice to see people who are grateful instead of complaining and cribbing in life...

any one who learns to 'SEE' right finds every reason to be grateful in life and for life.........That is all that is to learn....all other things follow suit....

P.S. : I have already told it in class and through various ways that I am not going to communicate through any mode of 'communication' for min. of 3-4 months and yet.........

which part of this statement is difficult to understand? 

Hopefully - i repeat hopefully i MAY (ONLY May not for sure!!) start communicating from say somewhere after August......but again this is tentative only......till then only blog posts will be written by me....


Supriya said...

On it (Japam yagna). Thank you ma’am!


Rahul Deshpande said...

Mam ....japa I am doing daily and not yagna but Homam I am doing on Mondays

Thank you reiki thank you Guruji.