Friday, April 23, 2021

On healing others!


On healing others!

There is borewell drilling going on in the neighbour's house since 2-3 days. Headache is severe for me! I was and am doing everything to beat the headache. Someone who called couldn't hear me talk and asked me to talk louder. I said I couldn't as the sound of the drilling was deafening and it was making it difficult for others to hear my voice. The other person simply said "Oh! So sad you have to deal with it till they hit water. God knows how long it will be?!"

That did it!!! 

It was then I realized that I was seeing this situation as one giving me pain and discomfort. That gave rise to anger, frustration, all questions of why it is happening to me etc etc, irritation and of course headache. No sleep in the night too! But, but if ONLY I had seen it as an opportunity to heal I would have healed for 'let them strike water at the earliest' and they would have struck water earlier and I would be saved from all this non-sense. 

When ever there is a situation that is uncomfortable, disgusting, not to our expectations and conditions etc we go on the blame game. We find reasons outside ourselves to find the cause. We ask useless, baseless and leading to no where questions like 'why did Reiki let it happen?' etc........

Instead if only we healed the situation, we would be out of our agony earlier than later. 

The common intelligent question people ask is "But why should I end up healing all and sundry? And I don't have time for the same? Why can't they just be right?"

The answer is simple "Because you are effected in this situation and you know how to heal. If you don't want to heal, good - then learn not to suffer inspite of the situation. And if you say, I don't want to learn that too - good for you too - be who you are and enjoy the pain and suffering. But remember, there is no answer for all of your questions and no solution to any of your problems!!!"

If you understand this you'll also understand 'No man is an Island'. We are connected to one another whether we like it or not and hence only when we heal what is painful for us can we as a group get healed.........

# on healing, on healing others,  no man is an island, 

also read suggested : 

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