Wednesday, April 7, 2021

On vaccines and vaccination


On vaccines and vaccination

This is the rough stats of the people vaccinated and their reactions to it :


75-92    (about 25 of them )   Physical reactions  :      Non whatsoever for most and them and just 2-3  had slight fever   

Attitude and the way they reactedLittle drowsy and tired but we  went about our daily routine/  nothing will happen/just fever and nothing much

45 and above : fever/headache/body pains/ tiredness/backpain /sleepy/hunger   

Attitude :  we don't know how it will affect us / anything can happen to anyone/don't know how to decide which vaccine to take etc

Why am I giving you these details ?

45 and above - more than 50 people 

Not everyone is getting all the symptoms if they get it. Lots of people just go about their daily routine as usual. That doesn't mean (routine of drinking alcohol and smoking). 

Most of the people are afraid of the side-effects and are afraid of having to deal with them and bear with them. No need to.

Side effects when experienced stays for maximum of 24-36 hours and just go away. 

Nothing to fear about fever too. Fever is not a disease. First understand that. (Will take that bio class later!) It just means our body is fighting against the foreign body that has entered our system. Its a sign that our immune system is good and working on our behalf and for us. Never fear fever. Just eat right and take rest. 

If you have fever that means this Vaccine is working for you. So it is time to celebrate not fear unnecessarily. Just be with Reiki for longer periods of time and you'll be able to even do your routine - most of them atleast. But take rest if need be and if you can. That way you come back to normalcy faster.

bear with -  सहन करना / సహించుట , భరించుట 

That is about vaccine. 

Now what does this whole post teach us?

Where can we apply these facts - correctly and understand something about ourselves and the way we are handling facts of our lives?


Kshitija said...

Two insights.
1.As stated in the post my grandmother is 90+ she was normal after vaccination with some body pains for few hours.( less than 24 hours)
2.My parents and mother in law all above 60 had the fever they came back to normalcy after 36 hours.

My personal learning.
It is not only vaccination when ever some thing new is introduced to me .
Firstly I am scared of it and panic like anything about it . Just like having good food to be healthy using the various techniques of reiki brings me out of it each time to normalcy and unlocks a new door of learning.

Supriya said...

In our earlier years we think having complete knowledge and control over a situation is necessary. We do not care that many of those things are not for us to control. We procrastinate and try to act smart. We look at the statistics and worry about being prepared for unforeseen issues that may or may not happen. In this process, we stress ourself and suffer more. And, because we keep giving so much energy to those thoughts, we create those issues for ourselves.

As we get older*, and if we have some openness to learning from experience, we have the wisdom that knowing everything is of lesser consequence. (*Some learn sooner than others). We are wise enough to know what our duty is for the current situation and leave the rest. We do our duty calmly and let things unravel on its own. We take necessary actions as and when things occur. In the process we suffer less and recover quickly.

Also, in earlier years we want to avoid or treat pain even before it is due, but in later years we know pain comes and goes - all we need to do is to not give it too much attention and relax.

This applies to every aspect of life.

I hope I understood this properly. Let me know.

Love & light,