Tuesday, July 9, 2019

On God and ourselves – Me, My Guru


On God and ourselves – Me, My Guru

“We certainly would be in shock and denial for some time. And yes fear would be our ‘middle’ name but eventually we would shake it off, collect ourselves and reassess and re-evaluate our strengths and weaknesses and then see how we would work our lives around this Truth!” replied someone from behind. 

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She seemed happy with the answer. "And you are for every angry, demanding, expecting someone up there to run errands for you and fill your ‘wish-list’ and give it to you as a present – preferably every single day of life (because it’s always “Ok, HE did do fulfill some wishes of mine, but…” – (the but being very pregnant with accusations!) Now imagine that all these days you were sending those ‘letters of wishes’ to no one in particular as there is no one called ‘GOD’ up there?”

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Now this was getting weirder and weirder. It was as if our heads were being put into water and held so for quite some time and then let go of us as we grasped for breath coming out of water! And even before we collected ourselves completely, the exercise of putting our heads under water repeated. 


suggested reads : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=what+god+does%3F

thoughts addressed : 
a. are we believers out of compulsion, fear or because it is easier way to become irresponsible and pass on the blame on to someone out there who is responsible for all the bad and shitty in my life and in the world?
b. what exactly does word "GOD" mean to me? because your GOD seems to be different from my GOD...?

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