Blessing that turned into curse – Me, My Guru
“No! It is complete and
so is the story” said Raji knowingly.
We all went silent for some time and went
through the contents of the story and our complaints once again.
Each face lit
up differently. Each smile told of a subjective understanding. Unsaid aloud we
all decided to share our outlook and understanding with each other! Each explained
his point and the next caught up with him and thus it rolled and how it rolled!
“The dog was too clever
to give a simple punishment of getting him whipped et like in exchange for the
beatings he received”.
“Yes and the Brahmin out
of greed accepted this happily. How greed and selfishness blinds our vision and
power to see the good and bad”
“We are not punished by
our deeds or our karma! We are not punished or cursed by people whom we have
wronged! We are not punished by God as most of us believe!
“No – we are not cursed
by our attitudes! Our attitudes are our curse!”
Impromptu we all
This was so beautiful
revelation – especially when we arrived at it on our own!
“Not all of punishment
comes as disease or loss. Some are clothed as ‘gifts’, ‘posts’, ‘positions’ –
in short everything that we desire and aspire for!
find other posts related to this :
Points to notice :
How attitude effects our fate and destiny..
How the wheels of karma work..
Complete meaning of curse and blessing
How we hold 'others' responsible for our fate?! And how we bring it on ourselves?!?
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