Saturday, July 13, 2019

On abundance!

On abundance!

If every time, I am concentrating on 'what I am getting' and 'how much I deserve' instead of 'how much did I give' and 'What am I worthy of receiving' there would be no place for misplaced expectations, dreams and hopes shattered and anger directed on 'supposed giver'...

We don't want to perform pooja (don't know to perform, don't have time, not having mood and such are the excuses!), participate in it (since we have other important?!? works to do), spend on it (we plan on spending as little as possible instead of spending on it with love and if there is love and not out of compulsion we perform, don't we or won't we spend lavishly and happily?) and yet start our statements with 'we received x, y, and z but....

No amount of receiving is good enough for us....we always are given less than what we deserve - how convenient and wonderful is our thought process - THIS exactly is the basis of all our troubles and cause of all our pain and suffering in our all aspects of our relationships....

Look within honestly and sincerely without justifying your actions and words and intentions too.....and then know the cause of your 'karma'.........

also read :

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