Me, my Guru – As you like it
Like all days before, I went to the class more out of habit than out of decision/deliberation to learn. For me it didn’t matter when I entered the class. I always presumed I didn’t miss much. That was though not the case with most of the others. I had come to realize though one thing – that people who were regular and on time, who sat there with a desire to change for better always took home more than I did. They also valued the class more than me. But me – I found class interesting, dull, repetitive to good and wonderful! It was years later I was to realize that all this depended on how much I actually took and absorbed. Issues and points I was close to where ones when I found the class useless. But the same class was praised by some. When I didn’t have clarity of thought, I couldn’t absorb what she – our Guru imparted by way of explaining the issue or as a solution to it. And both times, I used to think she failed as a Master! Of course, I wouldn’t say it aloud but…..I was smart enough to cover my displeasure with her class or in her by ‘good and right sentences’ like “maybe I am not good enough to understand what you are giving us”.
She would just smile. And
all those years I thought I had fooled her with her mental faculties and
How naïve was I?
# Me, My Guru, law of attraction, destiny and fate, why we receive what we receive, how to change what we receive, energies, life is an echo, we receive what we give, giving and receiving
also read previous post on similar topic :
1 comment:
My understanding
1. My experience with class I understood that every class is unique .
2. The class taken is the same for everyone that is just like food is served to a person. A child may like sweet and as he or she grows he may like curry more to sweet but still everything sums up to the meal . The same way the class though everyone is listening to the same words we take what we are able to receive at that particular time and day based on our clarity.Also, Its really amazing to see that though it is the same story or words spoken to each one of us all our questions are answered at one go.
3. What about the words spoken in the class by the guru will they leave us . No , I have many a times noticed that they are there with me and once my clarity in that area is increased I will be able to understand what she spoke . It is like I can hear her words spoken in the class it may take months or years but they are still there with me. This understanding also changes as I go on my journey of healing.
4. There is no one to judge me in the class but just like the student in this post I blabber things about myself and I understood through this post that it is only to satisfy my ego and protect the image I do it but now I question my self whom am I fooling because at the end of the day just like the boy I am loosing my sleep .
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