Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The love angels of my life!


The love angel in my life!

Second in my list of The Love Angels of my Life is Appa (Dad). He was tall, handsome, upright and looked straight like a movie star of the 1950s' & 60s'...

He taught me to form "my own opinion & Be myself"... Even though it went against him many number of times, he never discouraged me from "Being Me"... He also encouraged reading good books & if my language is good, its becoz of him... He wud call a spade a spade & and say from childhood that "I was not good enough", when compared to all the other 'bright guys' & my siblings around... He was stoic, fair with everyone, honest & wud never pamper us...

At a crucial juncture in my life when I deserved  a promotion in my job, 
I was unfairly sacked... He was so upset with my boss & wanted to fire him... That was a very defining moment for me, as I then realized & felt the hidden love come out in support & concern...
A year before he passed away, when we're together alone in a quiet sweet moment, he shared with me that he was proud of me for the way I handled some of the difficult challenges with composure & confidence... Even now it gives me goosebumps and a lump in my throat...

He taught me 'tough love' and to stand my ground on my own to embrace life as it comes with all its toughness... And as I embraced the realities of life, I only found toughness dissolves when you face them head on... You learn new life lessons and grow...  Tough times don't last, only tough people do...

Forgive me for all my trespasses APPA, I Thank you & Love you for just not being the Bestest Dad, but also my Spirit Guide in this life... ❤🙏

Love & Gratitude ❤ 🙏 - V.Sridhar 


V Sridhar said...

Thank you Mam'...❤🙏

Love and Gratitude ❤ 🙏

Supriya said...

Beautifully written. Reminded me of my childhood. My father also never praised me openly, but when the time came I saw his pride and love for me.

Father’s tough love can often be misunderstood. Their efforts are always directed towards shaping our character.

Not to dampen the spirit, but this post came at the right time. Today, I heard about a friend loosing her 13 year old child because the child could not tolerate the scoldings from his father for mobile phone usage. As parents we know the father’s intention. But, when we were kids we hadn’t seen their love from this angle and only craved for acceptance.

Thanks for sharing!


Aparna Deshpande said...

Hello ma'am good evening each and everyone is looking very happy they are opening a lot i am very happy Thank you so much for everything ☺️💗💗

Aparna Deshpande said...

Hello ma'am good evening each and everyone is looking very happy they are opening a lot i am very happy Thank you so much for everything ☺️💗💗 love and gratitude

V Sridhar said...

Thank you Supriya🙏❤... It's so sad & unfortunate that your friend lost a 13 year old becoz of a scolding father. We also hear children committing suicide becoz of poor marks & not meeting their parents expectations... Let us send healing to all such parents who suffer & cause such suffering... This is where a Mother or a family elder or friend compliments the father's toughness with her softness and love and brings the needed balance... Lets learn from these incidents that parenting is a great joint responsibility and love - both tough and soft shud help the child grow to be himself or herself and learn balance in life... Too soft an approach, the child can be vulnerable & too tough an approach the child can break down... Real need (easily said than done) is to be firm & make the child understand what is good for him or her... I always trust the strength and power of true love does reach the child...   Lets help to spread this understanding in our own small way wherever or wherever the occasion arises...
Love & Gratitude ❤ 🙏