Thursday, February 17, 2022

The love angels of my life!


The love angel in my life! 

Reiki helped me see how much I was loved by everyone in my life. It was hard to pick one person. After a lot of thinking, I picked someone who represents everybody’s love for me. Someone whose presence shook my redundant value system and much more.

So, here is my love angel!

My love angel - my son ‘Sheel’

When I was a kid and was upset with my mom for any reason 

she would say you will understand parent’s love when you 

become a parent. Sometimes, she would say you 

will know how important it is to live when you have a kid. 

There were many more statements she made 

which did not make much sense to me then. 

When you entered my life, the essence of those words 

started to become clear. 

Your love, your smile, your joy, your tears, your needs, 

your desires, everything moved me.

When I sat back and thought of the kind of unconditional 

love and acceptance 

I got from you and the love I had for you, I realized that

 this was not the first time that I  have experienced it.

You remind me of the love I have received from 

my parents, siblings, husband, in-laws,

 my inseparable friends, my teachers and 

gurus, from pets, from life etc. 

You have helped me re-live those moments 

and understand love. 

As you grow older and become more

independent, it will be time for me to step 

back and let you experience and live your life. 

 I have and will always love you.

I am grateful to you for choosing me as your

 parent and helping me understand love. 

May you receive love and joy all through your life!

PS: thanks to maam and reiki for helping me clear

my head and understand my 

experiences. We are given numerous opportunities

to feel love, we just need to be

 open to it. 

Just a word :

Children are the gifts from heaven sent to us for safe-keeping. 

They are sent to us to help us understand and apply selflessness

 in the most natural way. They are not in our lives so that we can 

"USE" them for our agendas. They are here just to let us live and 

express our best in this world!


V Sridhar said...

Beautiful sharing Mam'... God Bless❤๐Ÿ™

Supriya said...

Thank you ma’am!

I hope I am able to give him all the love I possibly can. I feel like receiving love is easy, acknowledging it depends on our mind set, but the part that’s most important and most of the time difficult is giving it unconditionally. I feel like I haven’t given him enough, that I need to do better.

Safe-keeping him is one more thing that I need to get better at, as I see changes in the way things are these days and the kind of impact it has on kids. I feel like there is a lot I need to learn about him so I can do justice to this relationship.

As always, I am sure I will find guidance from you and Reiki when the time comes.

Thank you!

Aarthi said...
