Sunday, February 13, 2022

The love angels of my life!


The love angels in my life!

My parents - 

They gave such immense love and joy during childhood that being loving has become our natural state. papa had a transferable job, so Mummy used to work really hard to manage the home and her work. She worked two jobs and would be on her feet from 5AM to 10PM. And she did all this with a lot of love! I can never forget her tender hands holding me tight. Whenever I would get sad or tensed, she would say 'Mai hu na tere saath, tujhe kuch nahi hoge'. I say the same words to my son now. 

My Papa used to pamper us with the best care. I could also bank on him to be there for me, I can bank on him even now. Be it my last minute assignment printout or my friend stuck in the police station, he was always there , even if it was 12 in the night. Once I had asked him for a red color car, it was expensive and I dint know then, but my Papa used all the money he had to buy it for me. Even now whenever we meet, he pampers me with my favorite fruits and sweets. He keeps saying aur kha, aur kha, till. i feel my tummy will burst. 

My parents never uttered a bad word, spoke harshly to us or to each other, ever! They taught us how to love. - Madhumita

Small word :

Most of the you have come back to share your stories of love and affection that you received from your parents. Good to hear that!

When you attended the I dg class and I asked you to "thank your parent" the response was "but maam, they didn't do/ did this to me. Why should I thank them?..."etc etc...

and I remember saying "Become a parent and you'll understand this better...."

Most of you have become parents yourselves and the response from you is endearing for me to notice.

The journey from 'but you don't know my parent..' to 'I thank my parent..' is a journey that you made (almost most of you..) and I am taking this opportunity to congratulate each one of you who took your parent for granted - taking time to thank them today! Bless you on this....

And the 'sharing' is also genuine (till now) so bless you all for that too....

Apply the same principle and understanding in all your relationships. You didn't understand or felt you received love then from your parents but you do understand and feel that now. Similarly, in all your relationships maybe you are not able to feel the affection and concern the way you want it NOW. But trust REIKI  and the process of healing - YOU'LL RECEIVE ALL THAT YOU DESIRE AND MORE - JUST BE WITH THE HEALING, my dear! 

Have patience and keep healing - good times are just round the corner for the sadhaks - don't lose heart, don't lose hope - you'll receive more than what you desire - for sure!

Very soon in near future you'll look back at this time and smile......

A small request : Please send reiki to your parents (even those who are no more with you) as a form of gratitude and love for all that you received from them for next one week to come (at least). Those who can't for any reason, relax - just don't go around giving reasons for the same. Do it as your own sweet time and pace....

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