Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Love Angels of my life


The Love Angel in my life

Among the more than a dozen Love Angels in my life... My wife, Radha will be standing there, beautiful, tall & right at the top...

She lovingly took care of the home & children without any complaints... The children have grown beautiful, intelligent & responsible & thru them I see her... Life's journey took us together to many places & she came along like a true partner without any fuss... She had her quota of sufferings that came from her expectations & she coped with them thru acceptance & love... I saw her real beauty emerge thru her fight with leukemia... I was with her, in her final moments... there was no complaints, no tears & just a total simple acceptance to whatever was happening... I witnessed a graceful, loving & grateful Goodbye to life & existence...
She taught me Love & Gratitude and was the One who introduced me to Reiki...
Love & Gratitude ❤ ๐Ÿ™  - V. Sridhar

PS : This is the most beautiful "description and expression of love angel" received till date ......may such affection, care and concern find place in every house and heart.......

It's the person that 'dies' but the love, concern, affection stay on for ever to meet each other at different point of time - again and again....

So, spread affection with all your heart, it is the most beautiful 'investment and legacy' you can leave behind for yourself in future. You'll receive it again and again in all times to come walking into your life in various stages and in various forms. This is the ONLY WAY one can get love, respect and trust in one's life - by giving that in toto to the person in one's life........

one of the most common complaint I get to hear ALWAYS IS "Maam, I WANT that kind of love and affection in my life!!! Why am I not getting it? I deserve it blah, blah, blah...."

The answer is simple and said million times already "If you haven't received it yet, it simply means you haven't given it yet EVER  in any of your life times. We get what we deserve - not what we want! If we want love we need to give out love in life - to the people in our life - be it parent, kids, siblings, nation, underprivileged - the list is many - you choose how much to give out love...and that investment will bring return in  your future for yourself only.....A selfish person can never receive or give love. One who is always behind 'physical fulfillment' will never find love in his life - and what is such a life? It is nothing but a burden and pain for himself and for the people in his life....

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

Thank you Mam'... it's such a wonderful blessing to hv your love & guidance...
Love & Gratitude ❤๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน