Saturday, February 19, 2022

Me, my Guru – As you like it


Me, my Guru – As you like it

She would just smile. And all those years I thought I had fooled her with her mental faculties and intelligence!

How naΓ―ve was I?

And who was stopping me from benefitting at least as much as others?

Me – myself with my bitterness, lack of patience, selfishness and anger! If all I did was judging her then how could I learn from her? Why couldn’t’ I see this simple truth all these years? And she was patiently giving me various explanations to let go off these qualities that were detrimental to my growth and yet….

Even today, I missed the early session and the story was in session as I entered the class.

“A young dejected, bitter, frustrated man came to a village desiring to settle there. He had had various bitter experiences in life before and so was skeptic about his decision. So when he heard of a Master who lived in the outskirts of that village, he hurried to meet him. He sat dejected in front of the Master and asked “Master, I’ve had lots of painful experiences in my past and hence with to relocate to this village. Pray, tell me, what type of people I would meet in this village?”

The young man replied “I met all mean, selfish, hurting people in my life”.

Master sighed and replied “I am sorry to say but those are the type of people you are going to meet in this village too!”

The young man went away crying. 


# Me, My Guru, law of attraction, destiny and fate, why we receive what we receive, how to change what we receive, energies, life is an echo, we receive what we give, giving and receiving

Please note : 

I haven't given any foot note as 'points to ponder' or key notes from post etc for this article.....

You people for a change share those lines/thoughts/ understanding that you receive from this post - post wise.....don't wait for entire topic to be completed.....

1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

Hello good morning 🌻 ma'am i notice that we think it will happen so it's lessons.we must think before we make a anything there's no thinks rich grow rich . From today i starting with love and gratitude ❤️πŸ’πŸ™to be in this moment here and now thank you so much paste is paste 😌😌😌