Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Me, my Guru – As you like it



Me, my Guru – As you like it

Each one received the answer for the question that he carried with him that day. We had our issues and based on that we had our questions prepared.

“I want to end this marriage. I am not getting what I am expecting. Tell me what to do?”

“I am fed up of my boss and office environment. What do I do about that?”

“Why is my child so difficult? How do I control her?”

“Will I be happy if I remarry?”

“Where should I search for my job?”

“I am not happy with my job. Tell me, which profession to take up so that I earn a lot?”

“My neighbours are not good. What to do about that?”

These are many related questions were answered in that one story. She had told this story couple of times before but we hadn’t processed it so. But now, we saw how it fitted our life. We saw our issue and also way to address it.

Some of us though still found this story useless. They found it inadequate.

“But, maam is not clearly telling us what to do!?! Why can’t she tell me if I am to go through divorce or not??” asked one.

The other had same question regarding his career, job, purchase of an asset etc. These people were where I was few years ago – lacking clarity of thought.


# Me, My Guru, law of attraction, destiny and fate, why we receive what we receive, how to change what we receive, energies, life is an echo, we receive what we give, giving and receiving

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