Monday, April 3, 2017

on absence, love and relationships

Me, My Guru


“Question now and again the old habits and replace them with new beliefs that help you on your path” I stood with this quote in my hand. My thoughts and experience correlated with these lines.

Did I really miss her? Was she really not with me?

“Silence is not absence of anything but presence of everything”. 

Next sheet gaped at me may be with a wink. In this silence and being one with nature I actually was more connected to her than before. What again is being with the person who matters to you? Is it not about thinking about them, living their dreams, relishing their words and recollecting their sayings? It seemed so to me. Then, in that case, I was more with her here than there. There, I would be judging her, faulting her or being angry with her but here I was with her ‘teachings’ all through. It was actually here that I was sincerely being her ‘student’ for once. Grasping her words and mincing them and revisiting them often through the day made me digest more of all that she gave us by way of teachings all these years. So, in her absence I felt her presence. As long as I lived her word I wasn’t away from her. As long as I was learning, she was always with me, part of me. She was my ‘Guru’ teaching me through everything and anything all the time. It was up to me to be a ‘student’ available for that teaching for once! And that luxury this place gave me. And for that I would be ever grateful to this ‘heaven on earth’. I spent rest of the evening sending reiki and blessings to this ‘Gods land and its beautiful and cheerful people’.


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