Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Me, My Guru - On Ramayan and Rama – Indian Mythology

Me, My Guru
On Ramayan and Rama – Indian Mythology

It was surprising to see so many in today’s class. Today was the class on ‘Meditation and it’s techniques’. There were various levels in it and we just attended one after the other. This was one class which she insisted that only people who had practiced taught in previous class attend. She said it was of no use otherwise. So, we actually had to sit and do each meditation for set number of months and only then were allowed to attend next class. Because we were so irregular in doing these exercises, we met at her place regularly to practice them as a group – of course with her permission. These were the sessions when we didn’t find her among us. That would be very demandingly selfish on our part to expect her to guide us through the practice sessions too! Our Gang took that care not to disturb her or her family.  We just came, sat mostly in the courtyard under mango tree or in the verandah through the day, did our practice and left I silence. We arranged our lunch. We didn’t expect her to cook for us. We just made tea at her place. Even if she came out, we didn’t talk or seek her to clear our doubts on such days.  At the max, we smiled.  Now, looking back I think this discipline was actually responsible for us to be allowed to come here so often. Who would want to be disturbed at all times and odd times? We being able to use her place itself was a boon! We could do the same meditation in our place too, but we felt we could experience it better here. May be it was just our belief – but what ever we enjoyed coming here, being here and practicing sadhan.  Her physical absence didn’t seem obvious here. We felt ‘her presence’ even in her absence – especially here.

Not being able to hold myself up any longer, I blurted “Today being RamaNavami, I didn’t expect to see such a turn-out”.

“There is not much to do today even otherwise for this festival. So, we would rather attend this session” someone replied.

“I am not much of Ram Bhaktha. I know Guruji, you may not approve of it, but I ave my complaints about him” came a voice from the other side.

“me too....”

“same here...”

She sat just smiling.....


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