Friday, November 11, 2016

Me, My Guru - To quit or not to!


“...if I quit, I was afraid it would become my habit......” this was a powerful statement and we all started discussing on this.

“So true! Whenever I embark on something new, if I am not comfortable with it then I leave it without second thought. Now looking back, I think I let ‘quitting’ become my nature. I was never eager enough to try harder. One small hitch and I quit! I guess I was ‘wrong’ all those times”.

“Can you elaborate on the issues or situations where you quit easily”.

 “As you all know I am over-weight and have health issues because of that. Every Doctor suggests that I lose weight. Whenever I meet some Doctor, read some article or in similar way get inspired to lose weight, I start doing exercise vigorously the very next day. But within a week or so, I discontinue or in short – quit”.

“Oh that! Don’t worry; count me in, in that field. Same problem here”

Everyone was participating and the discussion was moving at such fast pace that I skipped on names to bother only about the contents. I knew looking at dialogues I would be able to guess as to who had said what, but I guess I was wrong there too!

“Me too! I’ve been on and off so many times with this that my family has made a joke of it now”

“Oh relax! It’s story of everybody!”

“Not everybody. Just people like us who quit, who are not strong enough to stick to their ‘agenda’, people who are more wedded to their laziness than their health”

“You are saying we love ill-health to health and pain and suffering to stamina”

“Exactly! Isn’t it obvious that we all are so undisciplined in this field? Why can’t we ‘win’ over our own weakness? Our enemy is right within us and we are doing nothing to defeat him”

Every argument looked valid and true and yet our weakness was so strong that inspite of ‘knowing’ we were incapable of ‘utilising’ or ‘applying’ this ‘knowing’.

Yes, we could justify our actions with giving reasons but today as we decided to be honest with ourselves, we did all realize and agree that ‘we were lazy beyond doubt and shame. Nothing moved us to drop it and embrace healthy life-style! And that’s the only reasons we ‘started’.

“So that means, I need to keep going in every situation and never give up on my desire and dreams. Right? I just need to keep going and I’ll be winner sooner or later. Is that correct?”


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