Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Me, My Guru To quit or not to!

Me, My Guru
To quit or not to!

Today, I had come early – full half an hour before class and I was elated. To a late comer, this was huge. Our gang didn’t leave any stone unturned in teasing me. It didn’t bother me too. I actually felt as if I have achieved the ‘impossible’. ‘She’ always said “Try, try till you succeed!” So true! I kept ‘desiring’ to be on time all these years and here I was ‘who had succeeded’. So truly said “winners never quit and quitters never win”. When I said aloud these quotations, everyone from our gang burst into laughing.

“Are you telling that this one time affair has become your ‘habit’ already?”

“You were just wishing and desiring all these years. But have you done anything to fulfill this desire? If you had made ‘even a little bit of sincere effort” you would’ve succeeded years ago!”

“Try, try till you succeed” is for people who make an effort. Where was yours?”

Each one came with one taunt – of course in good spirit and I was left blushing. So true, I thought! I celebrated far too early. If just coming once on time is so satisfying how much more would it elate me if it was the discipline I followed regularly. Yes, we can’t give/take credit of hard work for just wishing or desiring. There we didn’t even start so where is the question of quitting? I had heard some ‘masters’ say this often “we try to get up at 3am and meditate but it is simply not happening”.

“We wish to do sadhan regularly and yet something stops us from doing it”.

“I wish to overcome my anger/lust/greed but my ego is simply overpowering me”.

When we heard them say such ‘lame excuses’ and ‘statements’ we had laughed heartily. We laughed at their ‘stupidity’ for they thought they could really fool us to believe such ‘lame statements’. They never worked towards these ‘discipline’ and yet gave us a ‘show-off’ as if they had worked so hard and were now quitting because there was nothing much they could do about it!

Yes, it had had hearty laugh at their weakness and here I was ‘today’ in the same place as ‘them’. I pointed fingers at them while I myself was full of same crap. So ---- of me! Yes, I couldn’t find a word to suit me and it hurt me. She had said it so often “Others fault is so easy to see and comment on, but it is so difficult to know our own weakness” Today, I understood these words of hers correctly.


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