Thursday, November 17, 2016

Me, My Guru - On quitting


Coming to this lady, I couldn’t figure much from her experience. My doubts were still hanging loose in the air but looking at others I knew she had taken the burden off so many heads.

“Any decision taken has to have both pros and cons and that weighs differently for different people. So you write down your pros and cons in holding on to that ‘bad’ job/career and taking up the ‘risky’ new one. Then assign value to each of those reasons.

For eg. Bad colleague = -50

            Salary                  = +40

Now see if -50 is more painful or less than joy of +40 (salary). Accordingly, take decision. Don’t argue in mind. Because, you’ll end up justifying your decision with such data and over look other important points. Also ask yourself “am I ready to go for the unknown?”

Am I comfortable with the unknown than the known devil?

We all live with two major regrets in life – chances not taken and moments not lived.

Just remember, its’ your life and either way you’ve to live with the consequences. So, would you be courageous enough to take the leap of faith or stay safe with the known pain? Your decision decides your fate!

Every change, decision will bring about changed scenario into picture and will throw up new challenges. Are you or do you want to jump and get wet in the flow of life or sit safe ashore? Decision depends upon your attitude and priority. Just remember, either way don’t compare with others and crib, envy or cry. Embrace your decisions and see how to make the most of it. At the most if later day you realize it was wrong decision, it was wrong decision, take responsibility for it, take charge of your life and make necessary changes to move on. Just don’t sit there and cry “I wanted it to work and even this failed. Why God, why me?” Be a man, own it, learn from it and use it to drive you towards a new beginning. It’s never end of the road. It’s always just the ‘bend’ in the road. Just remember that!”

Having said this she again rushed to receive her call. Her calls were becoming more frequent now. But, we used those breaks for tea, lunch or discussion thanks to Rahul’s initiative.


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