Friday, November 25, 2016

M, Me Guru - On quitting!


“Shall we check into spiritual area?” she asked returning to her seat. But now, respect for her increased! She was the same one. It’s just that we were seeing her in new light.

“The understanding of a person, respect and love for a person, gauging and judging a person and knowing him depended totally on the data available, your processing of the same, your perception and the angle you selected to view that data from and since all these were variable and unreliable, our feelings and emotions though genuine were not ‘Right’. So, don’t take decisions based on your feelings. They would go wrong” these were her words repeated like umpteen times. Today, when we discussed ‘her’ case, we saw ‘her’ in new light and also understood her words differently. But her explanation did not let us venture further in these thoughts.

“In spiritual area, the results are far in between and you hardly know the progress. Not because it is not there but because we do so little, and in this area, lots of work gives ‘little results’. But usually our patience gives way or boredom sets in. So it is rightly said “that out of millions only thousands tread the path of sadhan and in that are thousands of drop-outs and only hundred or two remain to continue for long. Again of them only handful are working with love for God and hence just a handful experience God. But in this field ‘Don’t quit’ come what may. Do sadhan regularly. It may be for ½ an hour but do daily. Over and above that you would do for few days/months depending upon your life situations. But you decide basic sadhan time and do it daily. It’s like brushing your teeth, eating or breathing. You can’t afford to skip breathing if you wish to live.  Same should be the case with sadhan. And again, sadhan doesn’t mean ‘I draw symbol regularly madam or I tell Reiki/Reiki Guruji madam or I think about you Guruji’. They don’t count as ‘sadhan’.

If after doing a ‘technique’ you are more agitated then, if your master can’t find a solution or explain and simply states ‘your karma is getting healed’ or such standard dialogue discontinue healing. Healing should make you feel light. If after doing ‘yoga’ or exercise you feel ‘stiff’ and lazy, it means you are doing it wrong! So, look out for such signs. If you are becoming more greedy, desiring more then re-check the ‘techniques’ you are doing or following. May be you are doing it or were taught wrong. Sadhan should take you towards calmness and peace, if not......when you do yoga, you should become healthy not fall sick often. If such a thing happens you are breathing wrong or in wrong place or wrong way. Similarly, you are doing few ‘asans’ – postures wrong. So it’s time to correct that but for that your master should know the ‘right technique’ and should be able to know where you are going wrong and guide accordingly.

Getting up at 3am and meditating is told by one and all. Yet only few do it. Those who do it for years don’t find any results (well, I don’t know what results they are looking for in the first place! - For I do it for the sheer joy of doing!). But forget about me. When they get up daily and do, they later complain ‘nothing’s happening.’ So getting bored! DON’T QUIT then. These are techniques which may not give results now but will have cumulative effect. Keep doing.

But above all ‘to quit or not to’ in a given situation calls for ‘clarity of thought’ and that takes years of sadhan to get our ‘seeing ability right’. So keep working on it. In the meantime do Reiki, do your part and be detached from results and you’ll be guided pleasantly by Reiki, provided you don’t condition it with your desire. Sometimes, answers to our questions can be ‘No’. But even that is guidance. We don’t ‘listen’ to it because we ‘want’ to hear ‘yes’. So work on expectations, conditions desire and lust and ego and clarity of thought would come bye and by.

Get your doubts if any in next class and I’ll explain then”, so saying she left us for the day.  We all just stayed back for sometime to discuss everything that was bombarded at us. To leave or not to was still a question we didn’t know to answer immediately. Logical mind said “class is over, get out” but heart wanted to linger in that space for some more time...

By the time we left we were still undecided..........



Mona said...

Thank you Ma'am for these beautiful posts! You've answered not just the doubts I have today but also those which I had in the past or might have in future. :-)

REVATHI said...

i am glad to hear that!

Kshitija said...

Yes what ever madhumitha said is very very true what ever you have mentioned about Sadhan is also 100% true I have benifited and experienced it

REVATHI said...

had received lots of questions on quitting since long....hope everyone's doubts are put to rest.........if any pending, do ask...

Kshitija said...

I re- read the post it truly addressed many of the stimulations that I am undergoing now

Kshitija said...

I always used to feel low and during that time I used to feel why Mam is not Speaking to me ? And so many other things but now I understood that every darkness of mine I need to face alone and while facing it I have to under go the egg>> larva >> pupa and caterpillars stage of that particular issue and just like the story of caterpillars I understood that my guru doesn’t want to hinder with my growth by interfering she want me to grow independent . So she is silently and continually there with me watching me sending me reiki ,praying for me . She is praying for her child ( yes I am her child She is my god gifted mother ) to grow beautiful ,independent ,with clarity of thought. How do I know ? Because I can feel her guidance her prayers are the ones that are making the universe to guide me and get a thought of
1. May be to refer to my previous notes and find a technique,
2. Read the blog and find a solution.
3.To get a solution while watching a program or speaking* to some one . Etc …

Thank you for being there for me