Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Reiki doubts....

But, in meditation/reiki a person goes into alpha state and that is the ideal situation for the immune system to take over and heal itself.

So, we end up sleeping during the initial period when healing is required by the body.  But, as the requirement of healing reduces, the feeling of being sleepy while doing reiki decreases and we are active inspite of doing reiki for hours on end.  But, they may take quite some time.

The reiki is a higher vibration when compared to the negative vibration of disease of body and mind.  At alpha state, it can solely concentrate on the healing.  Whereas, if I am awake, then reiki flow would go to use my body for bodily functions and mental activity and the amount of reiki energy left out to heal would be very less and the time taken to heal will be longer.  Hence we sleep during healing.

I’ve already explained this to you in class – but you seem to have forgotten or may be didnot catch this point as it was redundant then!

It proves once again that ‘I have told all that I needed to but you received what you wanted to ONLY!’


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