Friday, July 25, 2014



I know it’s bit over the board! It’s not as simple as I feel or think about it for you! Sorry about that! This is the easiest example I can give (or anyone for that matter!) and nearest to the Truth!  But, it is not understood as it ought to be! 

Why and how do you understand it clearly and completely? How can you see beyond the words?  Simple, just be in Sadhan.  It’s only sadhan that can clear our confusion and remove all the blocks that stop us from seeing he ‘obvious’.  Only ‘sadhan’ can remove the delusion that we have understood right when we actually follow the wrong assuming it to be right……..then when we are ready the same explanation will be clear to you! 

Then why am I giving it now?  Because of 4 reasons. 1. For you to understand the need of sadhan even to understand what I am telling you.  When I say ‘understand’, I mean the way I am explaining, not the way you want to! (This is true! Two people just recently told me that they have understood what I told them 28 years ago and 14 years ago respectively! Because they have had an experience nearer to what I told them then! And mind you it’s just one of the million things that I told them! ) so you can imagine how much sadhan is required even to understand one small thing!


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