Friday, July 18, 2014

On gratitude

Read Vaibhav’s comment dt. 21/6/14 on Healing and happiness “…let us start….we already have unasked for….”

This is blog dated 2009.  And I’ve based my every class on “gratitude”.  That “gratitude” is the word on which entire I degree is based on /is the fact – but it is not received and perceived by the student as such is an eye opener to me – once again!

Please read that blog again! Then, why did we miss this point? If noted how many times and places have you applied? Where is your complain, anger and fault-finding coming from? Is your sentence or explanation starting with “Actually the problem is …”? are you miserable that life and God are not just to you and that life is tough and hence you are feeling depressed and sad?

If answer to any of the above question is ‘yes’ it’s time you check your ‘gratitude meter’ because as Vaibhav pointed out – we may have missed a point there!  If there is gratitude in heart, then we can only have song on our lips, smile on our face, praise for the Lord and a feeling of contentment, satisfaction, happiness and joy pouring out of our every cell of our body.  We not feel insecure, incomplete and left out!

So, boring and repetitive as it is , let us check our ‘gratitude list’ and ‘meter’ once a week/month regularly.  Infact, I suggest you write a diary of thanks giving – where at the end of the day you write only “thanks” for all the things/person to whom you owe gratitude ‘of that day only’. 

Do it and see the results for yourself…give yourself 3 months and evaluate yourself after that!

You’ll be surprised at the transformed you!  Trust me, you’ll be both proud of yourself and fall in love with yourself!


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