Monday, July 7, 2014

On Impermanence


Same to you, which is you – the child, adult or the aged (in future  if not yet!?)

Because if you say you are child, then youth and aged can’t be you right? Can you be all at a time? No. Right? Then youth came when childhood was lost or dead and old age comes when youth goes.  It means when one goes it paves way for the next.  Our continuam is possible when we let it happen without fighting it!  The joy lies in enjoying the state we are in.

When as a kid, I want to be a grown up and go to college/office.  As a grown-up, I want to be kid.  No doubt, I am never happy – because I am not wanting to be where I am at any point of time!

If you take nature, the seed becomes tree – i.e., seed lets itself die to let tree sprout out of it.  In that act it continues.  So, change is not death.  It is not to be afraid of.  It is inevitable. So, if you embrace this truth, then you’ll let one go and let the other come in – like let youth go to let old age come in etc.  let old job go and take new one. (because you said so maam, I let go of my spouse to take a new one – don’t say this to me…this doesn’t apply in such situations….)

Apply it everywhere to understand it’s connotation completely.  Look at clouds.  They are! Now.  But tomorrow when they rain they don’t exist!  But don’t they? They do exist in the form of rain drops.  As rain drops they cease to exist when they fall in river, ocean etc……..

Nature is ever in the state of change! And we like fools – yes, I repeat fools want everything to remain same. We don’t want body, materials to decay however much time passes.  We don’t want dynamics of relationships to change.we shout at, are angry at, complain and fight with people saying “They’ve changed!”


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I applied this thought in a situation...
My husband was trying to change his job. We were specifically Looking for in Hyd, as we hv our own house and myself being career wise well settled etc.. Since he was not getting a desired one here, we were in a stage of cnfusion. But after reading this blog we hv thought of attending interviews in other cities too. The outcome is uncertain but the thought of applying elsewhere is the lesson learnt.