Me My Guru – on fate, destiny and karma
Shishya was overjoyed. Without questioning further he packed his meagre belongings and left towards his home. As he got down the hill, he saw a bird hurt and lying on the ground. His eyes were filled with tears. His heart filled with compassion he nursed the bird and saved it. He felt very happy when he saw the bird fly away.
As he continued his journey, he saw a wounded
rabbit. He again waited to nurse the rabbit. The rabbit was saved. He resumed
his journey happily now.
When they both reached their place Guru asked how
his journey and stay were. The shishya narrated every incident of his journey
and stay. When the shishya shared his joy of seeing rabbit and the bird saved,
the Guru realized the Divine Grace and the Law of Karma more clearly.
# me my Guru series, fate and destiny, karma, fate altered, destiny overcome, destiny, attitude, future and present, past and present,
also read suggested further on this topic
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