Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Me, My guru – On duties, responsibilities and results



Me, My guru – On duties, responsibilities and results

But, if you serve with total love, then it is a different story altogether. Love means you have no other agenda or desire other than serving them. Your service is not to benefit from it in any way. It is to give them what they want and how they want it. giving what we have in excess doesn’t count as service. Forcing them to give money (even if for your business) is torture and you can’t say “I wanted to expand business to give them comforts. I served my parents”. NO! A big no. We need to give, give and, give to parents. That is serving.

Giving is also making life easy for them by doing their chores, running errands for them, picking and dropping them wherever they want to go and as many times as they want to go”.

Here, I stopped her and asked, “Then what about my comfort Guruji?” can’t I get tired of running around for them and tell them to sit at home instead of going around relative’s places”.

“When you want mangoes, if I am giving you a lorry full of chocolates, will you praise me or like me? Will you appreciate that? Will you accept it? will you be happy? asked my Guruji.

“No for all” I replied a bit irritated.

“Serving at your whim and fancy is not serving. Giving what you want to give, at your leisure and with your conditioning is no giving or serving. Understand this clearly” our Guruji replied.

“When we are selfless in serving then it gives results beyond our imagination. When we serve to make it comfortable and to their taste it becomes powerful enough to heal all our karmas. Otherwise, even service binds us to our karma when we do with a desire, with a selfish intent or any emotion other than love.

Service redeems us of our karmas when our intent is pure, we act out of selflessness, our emotion is love and we are desireless.


# me my guru series, Punarika and Vithobha, Pandaripur, service to parents, service, patience, detachment, mindfulness, bhakthi, love, parental duties, devotion, 

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