Saturday, December 21, 2024

Me My Guru – on fate, destiny and karma



Me My Guru – on fate, destiny and karma

Without questioning further he packed his meagre belongings and left towards his home.” – Most important quality that works wonders in protecting any one is “faith and respect” for the one who has your good in his heart. (here it being a Guru). Trust and that will protect you.

Protection can’t be demanded.

It is not an entitlement.

It is not your right (Reiki quota right).

But have trust (in real) and that is enough to protect you from any calamity.

Just a thought of being with his Guru soon sent shivers of happiness in his body. His body felt light. He was light on his feet too as he made in return journey.” – Coming to class, doing Reiki and being in sadhan when related this way then the story and the outcome is beyond anyone’s measure.

When we relate with anyone in our life this way, then no job seems boring, repetitive or heavy. Because love is missing in our relationships, we consider any “doing” as work and feel the pressure instead of pleasure in doing it for the other – be it parent, child, sibling or job.

Sit with this thought.

Know where the problem is.

Address it.

Overcome it.

Then life and duties that come with it will feel sooooo good!

Today we received a lot!

And yet, we found ourselves empty!” – This is the story of our life. We have everything and bountiful. YET, yet we found ourselves EMPTY. And so, we ran hither thither in search of that MISSING joy. We are searching in the wrong place. Hence, our search proves futile.

Know where to search, what to search and seek your right to your Kingdom!



# me my Guru series, fate and destiny, karma, fate altered, destiny overcome, destiny, attitude, future and present, past and present, 

also read suggested further on this topic 

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