Saturday, September 16, 2023

On knowing anger in totality!


On knowing anger in totality!

The other day, I had a guest. As they were leaving the next day, I enquired about the food they wanted to be packed for their journey. And the reply was “Idli and some curd rice if you can”.

I was surprised. I remember, a few years back the same group had come and I had packed Idlis, curd rice , rotis and some subji. After reaching their destination, they called to inform that they had reached home. And I had asked “I hope food packed was enough for all”.

And the reply I got was “Don’t you dare pack idlis, curd rice or your roti ever for us”. The lady was shouting and abusive in her tone. I let it be assuming they didn’t like it.

So this time, I asked them so that I may prepare something that is right by them. So, naturally I was surprised when they said same menu that they had rejected few years ago.

And so I asked surprised “But, last time you said you didn’t want them anymore. I assumed you didn’t like them”

Now, the lady was smiling as she answered “True, I remember. Last time, we used to hate you. And your idlis and rotis were so soft at night that we couldn’t believe that. We saw you prepare them in the morning and yet at late night they were so soft. In spite of being so cold they tasted so good. We had thought we could find fault with dinner and taunt you for that. But since we relished them we hated you even more. None in our family can make them taste so delicious.”

“Then why do you want to undergo the same experience again|” I asked her.

“No. This time I am healed of my hatred for you and have decided to relish the wonderful dishes prepared by you. So make them for us” she replied.

I did as per her desire.

This is a small incident. Yet it speaks volumes about our nature, the source of our suffering, cause of our pain, need to heal and what to heal.

First you tell me what you understood from all this. And I will wrap it up later for you all……

Please note: this article will be continued only after you post your answers to it in the blog.....


# anger, jealousy, look within, emotions and their root cause, envy, hatred, basis of our feelings,

Questions addressed and points to ponder:

  • What do I do when I hate someone?
  • How do I deal with the fact that someone hates me?
  • Hate, anger, jealousy and such emotions are just symptoms that tell us that something is wrongly addressed in us or in others.
  • If it is others' feelings don't bother to understand that or them.
  • When it is your feeling, dig deep within. Find out the source of that emotion and then addressing that problem becomes easy.
  • Unless you start knowing yourself, you will be ruled by your 'disturbing emotions' day in and day out! They will create havoc in your life. And you'll assume it is because of other people in your life.
  • Stop and take account of your emotions and know them. Know their cause and effect on you. Then heal them. 
  • By doing this process again and again, you'll by and by become free from your disturbing emotions.
  • You'll experience peace and happiness!
  • People in our life don't break or make us! We use them to break or make us!


Kshitija said...

Previously there was one emotion in me for every thing it was anger . I didn’t know why I was angry? What for I was angry ? I used to not only hate others but also hated my self very much.
Thanks to various healings , techniques, sessions of reiki
1. I understood I was angry for different reasons .
2. Some times I am angry because of jealousy I have towards someone or something
3. Some times I am angry because I am disgusted of something and I am forced to do it.
4. Some times I hate someone and I read it as anger .
There are many instances where I have labelled my anger wrong
Many a times I tell some one I don’t know I am angry .
This post reminded of the reiki class where my friend showed me the mirror of my emotions and asked me to check myself and reason for my anger.

Swati said...

Anger spoils everything. Even a beautiful moment goes bad if u respond to the situation with anger.
Many times or most of the times I have responded to situation with anger
And today when I have crisis , was made to realise I have put only anger and got nothing inn it. And just kept crying.
Became alone , became bitter trying to heal my self
Scared to know the real me and difficult to face everyone.