Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Teaching through everything and everywhere!

Teaching through everything and everywhere!


The questions in the given post https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2023/09/teachers-everywhere-on-stopped-clock_01676193183.html have been pending since 9th of this month and yet, no response – not even one??!!

And I’ll point out what that tells us about us now…. 

The main reasons that I can understand why a person wouldn’t answer these questions are:

1.     Fear: It could be fear of being wrong in giving an answer (in spite of me saying that there is no wrong answer).

It could be fear of not being able to write right in English (and this I have always emphasised as ill-based. I’ve said this a dozen times that it is the content that matters and not your language)

It could also be fear of being ridiculed by others (which is ill-based again. No one is bothered about others’ answers here.


The answer to all these fears is only one thing – start writing on the blog regularly. And yet??!!

2.     Laziness: This is most common and reflects the wrong expression of tamasic nature in us. Such a small work and that too which benefits you and yet you don’t want to raise to finger to do it. There is no problem in it if there were no complaints or suffering from your end….but that is not the case. The most common and baseless question is “Why do good people suffer?” when things don’t go your way. If you meant you are ‘good people’ and don’t deserve suffering, then, here is the reason for you – your laziness is the cause of your suffering. No God/Guru is testing you. There is no healing that is happening here. It is not destiny or Time that is causing this. This is purely your doing or rather non-doing meaning your laziness that is purely your choice or attitude!!!

“But maam, I don’t want things to go wrong or I don’t want things to get delayed etc” questions only answer is work on your laziness. The first step is given here in the blog for you. Write – Write your experiences and answer the questions when asked….

Don’t use your laziness as an excuse to not do things. Don’t use laziness as your medal. It is something that should be shunned. It should be shown disgust from your end. Use your anger at yourself for being lazy. Then, anger is put to good use. That’s how and where emotions given by God is to be put to good use. By saying “But God gave emotions so it can’t be wrong” only reflects lower level of understanding. Look within and know yourself – only then you will develop clarity of thought. 


# non-participative, learning and teaching, teachers everywhere, student like quality, available to learning,

Read related posts : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/04/regarding-healing-and-comments.html 

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