Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Teachers everywhere – On stopped clock!


Teachers everywhere – On stopped clock! 

One of the clocks stopped working. I changed batteries ‘n’ number of times and still to no avail. Then found a different slot for the battery and fitted a battery there. Then, the pendulum which had been still started working/moving.

Previously, for many years the pendulum was still, and yet the clock was working. But now, the pendulum was moving and yet the clock wasn’t.

So, what do we learn from this?

How to apply it in our life situations?

What is the lesson we can take from this?

# on learning, teaching, studentship, discipleship, shishya and guru, opportunities to learn and grow, missed opportunities, answers everywhere

posts on related topics : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-ideal-student.html 

Questions answered and points to be noted :

  • Am I available to learn?
  • Do I work on qualities needed to become available to learning and growing?
  • Am I under the impression that Guru should make my life easier and that I have no role to play in making my life better?
  • Arrogance, ego, pride are blocks that stop us from being a student. They don't let us learn even if Adi Guru himself comes to teach as our Guru. Humility, accepting that we don't know and belief that whatever we know is not good enough for us and that the one who knows it better than us is better qualified to teach and guide us are the essential qualities we need to become a student first.
  • And only then, would we benefit out of anybody's teaching.


Swati said...

Miss you mam.
Though the techniques are there but when u say it things make sense and it works out.
Yesterday only was thinking that life is so so messed and I somehow wanted to connect with you to make things fine. I thought of a plan to make things fine automatically through reiki, and here you are with a plan for us/me. Thanks you very very much for hearing me.

Swati said...


Guru makes life easier, guru shows the way.
In crisis time guru can only do the mark darshan.
When it comes from guru, faith trust everything is built up and the boat sails smoothly.
Guru is important in making life better. All this is possible only when one is available to the guru and ready to walk on the path.
Sharing it from my experience
Mam you are very dear to me, when mam is there or guru is there I don't have to use my brain and just follow the instructions and life is set.

Mona said...

There are times of ignorance when we wait for someone to guide us, to show us the light. Then we find a guru or the path, but now we are lazy to heal yourself. Either way, we are stuck at the same place.
Ignorance and laziness both need to be worked upon to lead a fulfilling life.
Thank you Ma'am.
- Mona

Kshitija said...

When we r putting the battery in the clock it’s like I am addressing the issues on the surface . I am not addressing the root cause.
But when the battery is put to the pendulum it’s like addressing the root cause .