Friday, September 8, 2023

Milestones - 2023 blog posts


Milestones - 2023 blog posts

The blog was started in 2009 and the blog posts in that year were 174. The first post was on March 3th 2009 and yet that year the number of posts was 174. 

The lowest number of post in a particular year goes to year 2012 which happens to be 59.

Better than that number was in year 2011 when it was 85 posts.

Year 2010 was better with 113 posts.

This year at least we are not in the bottom two. We are not crossed 85 mark but surely we will be there....

So that way, we can rejoice....

The next big target would be 113 posts...remember that as we cross that number to celebrate....

Let's take one at a time - this year too....

We still have quite some time to go to the finish line of this year fingers crossed....

What is the number that you think we can make this year?

Let's make a guessing game and see at the end of the year as to whose guess came near to the actual number?


Kshitija said...

I think we would make it more than 113 and go to 123

Swati said...

I think we can touch 150

Mona said...

I think we can do more than 220