Friday, September 22, 2023

On receiving for healing and growing!


On receiving for healing and growing!

We all are healing and maybe many of us have been healing for a decade or more!

Sometimes or no, many times question is posed - "my work is pending and my desire is not getting fulfilled. Where is all my healing going?"

When we heal certain areas of our life (now this area is not chosen by any of us - we just are healing as per schedule), certain baggage or psychic impressions or vikaras as we call them get healed. When that happens for a considerable amount, we get to see that we have developed clarity of thought! Even we may not realize that! But, the way we talk, we think and the way we conduct ourselves change for the better. We are able to behave "the right way" even without making a conscious effort! And it reflects in the way we respond to the situations and people in our lives. 

This is reflected very clearly in this case - read the comment 

and ...

Read the same persons response in similar situations some time back. It was same as everybody else...but, now she has realized that when we receive we should give... we should pay back to the Universe....this is not told. This is on her own. That is the benefit of all the healing done.

Look in your lives. You will see how your behaviour has changed for better in various areas and with various people. That is your growth. That is the biggest achievement that you can fall back on. That is the result of all your healing! And you and ONLY YOU will reap the benefit of this change in you.

Don't let this post depress you or feel bad about yourself. Don't compare yourself with the other too! Just use this as an indicator to see how it reflects in your life and its situations.

Everyone is wounded. Everyone is healing! There is nothing wrong with being wounded. But, it certainly is stupidity if we justify ourselves being wounded. It is awful if we stay wounded by being ashamed of ourselves or seeking pity for ourselves. Don't let these emotions cloud or stop your growth. 

Notice who you are truly! Then own it up! And then work on areas you are not comfortable with yourself using various techniques. And before long you will be the person you'll fall in love with! And then begins the most beautiful love story of your life! 

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