Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Mystic says! On repeated attempts!


The Mystic says! On repeated attempts!

The Mystic says “You say I have missed the mark and I see that I have aimed once more!”

The only difference between the Mystic and the sinner is that the Mystic understands the importance of making ‘attempts’. He knows he has to knock on the door several times for it to be opened. He is patient! He knows and accepts that the only thing in his power is ‘to give his best shot’. He doesn’t demand results. He doesn’t worry about the results. So, he is peaceful in spite of working himself out with no ‘good’ results in his way!

And the one who is a fool suffers his journey. He is termed the sinner! For him, it is all about results. He thinks he is entitled to results!!! He sulks after every attempt. He is complaining and in pain all through his work……..

Look closely between the two kinds of men. The difference is only the perception! And yet, the effect of this perception is glaring and huge. One is blissful and enjoying his work and journey. The other is sulking, crying and in pain.



# on perseverance, repeated attempts, results, hard work

suggested read :      



Read each of the above link given.....They are small posts......

Questions addressed and points to remember:

  • Do your work and leave the results to Him. We have right to work ONLY and we don't have right to expect results our way! We are not entitled to get results as per our desire! One who understands this, accepts it, and applies it in life is sane, blissful, peaceful and comfortable!
  • Don't expect others to forgive your rude behaviour if you can't take others being frank about you!
  • I have been doing Reiki/sadhan/hardwork since long and yet I don't see results that I desire. Why?
  • The world and God doesn't go around you!
  • This journey was never about enjoying the comforts of this world. It was always about knowing yourself and experience Being Self ONLY!
  • All the anger, ego, suffering and pain in this world is because we assume Worldly things and people are here to please us?!?!

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