Saturday, September 23, 2023

On knowing anger in totality!


Contd.....(from previous post 

On knowing anger in totality!

Well, we can for start not see it as an incident of my life. See it as a lesson that life has taught through its own way of teaching. That would be the first lesson!

The second one would be to see how our hatred clouds us from seeing something good in others and in their work!

1.     Because of our anger we lose out on enjoying the abundance offered to us – in this case it is in the form of ‘good food’. How unfortunate are we! We all want to ENJOY niceties of life and yet we stop relishing them because of WHO WE ARE!      

The hatred they had expressed itself as anger. They thought they were angry with me. They justified that anger by giving all loose-end reasons. But the actual reason when you observe is that they were jealous of me!

3.     Again if you look closely you will see there was nothing to be jealous of me in the first place if they hadn’t compared themselves with me. No one told them to. I didn’t suggest them to. Yet, they did. So comparing oneself with others causes us to be jealous of them.


# anger, jealousy, look within, emotions and their root cause, envy, hatred, basis of our feelings,

Questions addressed and points to ponder:

  • Our disturbing emotions cloud our clarity of thought completely.
  • When we are ruled by them, we miss out on living the abundance that life offers to us.
  • We keep overlooking what we are given by obstinately stating "but I want that and only that NOW and I don't want any other thing..."
  • No one but ourselves is the loser!
  • Desire or a wish when it drives us to desperation, know it to be your worst enemy. 


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