Thursday, September 14, 2023

|Understanding the keywords right!


|Understanding the keywords right!


Happiness is the new rich!

Inner peace is the new success!

Health is the new wealth!

Kindness is the new cool!


These are the new ways the Western World has opened up to the old words of happiness, peace, health, wealth and cool!


Finally, what the Vedantic philosophy has always stood by is being recognised as the key to a successful and fulfilling life!


But, what a way to learn?! Do we always have to learn it the hard way, I wonder!


We are always blessed by elders as ‘khush raho’ i.e., be happy! ‘We are blessed not to be 'successful’ as much as to be happy…and we thought less of that. But, the world is opening up to this fact that success and opulence of material success does not translate as happiness. So, let’s go within and find our definition of our happiness. That would make our job to make it happen easier. We’ll know what to heal for start.

Next, it’s peace. We have been living under the delusion for long thanks to western influence that controlling our life situations and people in our life is the key to success. We have been made to believe that ‘I’ am the ONLY thing that matters and for that people are to be used. We forgot all the right values in life. And we have paid very heavy price for that! We have lost our peace. We have lost our courage. We are living in fear. We are standing all alone, weak and pathetic! Think about it! 


# happiness, we get what we want, success, ask and it shall be given, 

Questions addressed and points to be noted:

  • Do we know the meaning of the words that we utter and use?
  • We say something but many times we mean something else altogether. Have you wondered why?
  • "Sorry maam, I didn't mean that" is the common statement made when I question your intentions. If you didn't mean it then why did you say so? If there is no clarity between what you say and what you mean then don't you think you are sending wrong messages to the Universe? May be, this is also one of the causes for things going in a certain way in your life??!! 
  • Unless  you know the meaning of your words you will not be able to express right. 
  • Unless you express right, you don't communicate right.
  • Unless you communicate right, you can't have good relationships.
  • Unless you have good relationships you can't experience affection, peace and happiness from any of your relationships.
  • Take time to know yourself! All other things will follow suit!

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