Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Me, my guru – On going the hard way!



Me, my guru – On going the hard way!

“So, is it why people who are weak in character find fault in Rama, Krishna,  Buddha and Jesus?” came the question from behind.

“Yes, she said”

“Then, is it not fine with us to walk the wrong path as we are driven by our weakness?” asked the intelligent one who thought his logic was best!

“|Yes, you can for all one cares as long as you are fine with reaping the benefits of walking such a path” she replied with a chuckle.

“But maam, we don’t want to face our karma. We are afraid of it” came the reply immediately.

“I know. Everyone is! But, just because we are afraid of facing our karma, it just doesn’t go away. It’s something like this – just because we are afraid of head-on collision, our car doesn’t stop itself from the accident when we are drunk and driving at high speed”

We didn’t know how to continue this argument and kept mum.

She didn’t continue either.

We didn’t agree with the way fate and Universe worked and yet didn’t have an argument to refute that. We left for the day!



# going the right way, going the wrong way, scheming and plotting, lying, telling the truth, being truthful, honesty, being honest, easy and hard life, purity, devilish and divine nature, asuric sampada/nature

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1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you reiki for giving me the strength and way to be . Thank you for the sadhan .
1. At my work I was continually facing a person and it was like being with a prickly pear .
2. I didn’t know what to do and continued to do my sadhan and healings and this week I have observed that in many of the situation's I was there for the person . We were laughing joking and I was patting the person . It was like I was being ok with the person. That’s a huge thing for me
3. Then I started to observe my relations through out the week I have a friend whom I used to feel afraid and scared of but this week she was standing with me and checking on me it felt very happy for her being there with me .
4. My relation with my family members is better . I always used to have a bitter feeling about a family member but these days I am just fine and ok having the family member.