Friday, August 21, 2009

loans payment

How is giving of wealth done?

First and foremost, pay the loans. Deferred payments always stops us from making right financial decisions. Deferred payments (will pay later thought) will generate an energy that stops me from experiencing wealth in completeness. Cash or any other asset may be in your hands, but it wouldn’t have filled your heart. It can’t be used the right way. It’ll be used completely but for no purpose worth the name. It’ll always be an expense in life, never an investment. Even an investment made would turn out sour, useless, lost, abused or misused by a member known or unknown, held in legal litigations or become redundant or totally useless (shares going rock bottom price is one such eg.)

How to I tackle this issue?

Simple. Pay in toto – especially to persons to whom you owe. Institutional borrowings don’t come under this category because we are under that contract and also are paying interest and EMI as per the law. It is the personal loans/ credit that we take from people in our life that matters so much. Recent experience by our reiki channel just a day back is the classic eg. Of this issue. Just a thought that I should pay benefited her in getting the entire amount required by bsingh (see comments for explanation). Just give it a thought with regards to the implication of this Nature’s law.

That doesn’t mean I can say “let me receive from X and then THAT amount I’ll pay to her” and get away saying “but I didn’t receive from X so am not paying to her”. This is shear manipulation only and our cleverness can fool us to believe that we are good people but forced by so-called circumstances in not being able to pay the dues. But the Nature can’t be fooled and will act accordingly.

My intelligence would tell me that I am just postponing – but at the end of the day, I am just fooling myself. And the loss is also entirely mine only in the long run too.

One more thought that stops someone from giving or clearing the loans / debts is “oh, but she/he doesn’t need the money as she has enough” “Will pay later when my situation betters”. But that day takes longer to come than expected. Because, my situation is never going to be better than my expectation.” When I owe someone, I pay. How can I postpone with an assumption (even if valid based on the fact that the giver is pretty rich!) that she/he doesn’t require it? When I owe someone, I owe. So I need to pay. So, I pay today. My postponing nature – especially when I have cash and means talks about my cheating and manipulative nature and no explanation what so ever justifies one’s acts. If I owe SBI bank, Rs. 100/- then I pay. If I postpone paying, then I owe interest and surcharge too on it. Whenever I pay, I pay with interest and surcharge. Same applies to individual loans / credits too! I can’t tell SBI is a multi-crore bank and Rs.100/- is peanuts to it and hence I won’t / needn’t pay. Does this logic work in our benefit? Bank would send reminders till amount becomes 10000/- or so and then people to collect it. Same way, once I take credit from someone or owe someone, then I can’t say they don’t require now and get away from my responsibilities.

It reflects my asura quality that knows to take, take and take both things and advantage of the people who are helping me in my life and then cheating them of their money and dumping or breaking their trust in my if I follow this path. My anger which would be called as insult by me will only blind me from seeing my blunders and sinful actions. The loser is me all the way. What a pity! I work so hard to lose both people and good luck and in invoking bad events and people ditching me in my life. No doubt my near and dear are only such who cheat me all the way or the money I get in life (however much it is) going to drains most of the way.

There are so many such people and they are getting away with it. So will I ? Who has seen next life and karma that accrues to it?
Now you tell me why?
May His Grace descend on us to see through our own stupid and manipulative nature and give us strength to overcome this weakness of ours….


Aarthi said...

πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š FACT&TRUTH

China chapa nu🐟🐠,peda chapa🐬🦈
Peda chapa nu,China chapa

China Maya,pedaa Maya
Idiii swahaaa adiii Swahaaa...(OLD SECEN & WORDS FROM MOVE MAYA BAZAR)

Right now v may enjoy,but it will come back to us...
With intrest....

Udaya Bhanu Nittla said...

We feel relax after clearing the loan and feels great burden left me. In May month my plot was sold. This is reiki miracle We didn't even remembered that plot my husband and myself don't know where the plot was and we lost papers near my cousin. Suddenly one man came and asked me who is Udaya Bhanu, do you have plot in Bowrampet? My self is bhanu and yes we have . He want to buy the plot.we have an agreement he gave 1lakh in advance we cleared some loans.If have strong intension to clear surrender to reiki. Reiki helped me. Thank you reiki and Thank you guruji, Thank you Madam and Thank you Bhagya Rekha.