Sunday, August 9, 2009

on seva


A really brave person never goes around stating he is brave.
A really good person never talks about his goodness.
A really beautiful never flatter their own beauty.
One who is not brave only talks about his cowardice.
A real bhaktha never shouts from roof-top that he is one. A true devotee just loves, never brags about his devotion or mode of devotion.

Seva generates an awareness that there is abundance that I’ve received without being eligible to receive that much. This knowledge brings humility and a sense of gratitude that wanting in expression comes out as an act of service-seva.

It works on the “aham” that’s always saying “I am doing, giving, good etc” and thereby healing starts.

It is a natural act of love. It is an expression of Love. It is not a marketing tool of my goodness. It is not in the “ACT” but in the “BHAVA” feeling behind the ‘Act’ that seva is expressed.

Let’s just take one issue per day…because our ego is so smart to make us believe that this topic doesn’t apply to me….because examples given may not be applicable to me… they are just the indications not the ‘all-that-is’ of ‘seva’…

If you are an honest person, then honestly look within and drop this manipulative character to experience more abundance in your life….just as I am going to do for myself…

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